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  1. M

    Are you waiting until marriage?

    How is one a moron if one wants to wait until marriage?
  2. M

    Are you waiting until marriage?

    I am most definitely.
  3. M

    Being a step-parent

    No. I think that would be hard, and messy. Best off, IMO, just marrying someone who also doesn't have any kids.
  4. M

    How do we get back our results now?

    Do you happen to know whether or not the MAS 104 assessments are back yet? I don't want to go all the way over there for nothing.
  5. M

    How do we get back our results now?

    Seeing as Semester 1 is over, and I still haven't got back 3 assessments for one subject, and 2 for another. Thankyou.
  6. M

    How can a person of Anglo/Celt background be racist to Middle Easterners?

    Ironic much? You're calling me stupid when you're thr ignorant one. As I said, there are three races, white, black and asian. Anglo/Celts and Middle Easterners are not different races. We are differnet ethnicities.
  7. M

    How can a person of Anglo/Celt background be racist to Middle Easterners?

    It didn't happen. Not every country is considered are race. They are different cultures and ethnicities, not different races.
  8. M

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    Asian parents are so lame, they should be charged with child abuse.
  9. M

    How can a person of Anglo/Celt background be racist to Middle Easterners?

    We are the same race, so it's not possible. The only races are white, black and asian.
  10. M

    Word limit 1500 words.

    1. I didn't blame the mentor for anything. 2. I didn't complain about the queer space. 3. Tutorials, IMO, are a wate of time. I do participate in the discussions. Please explain how you came to this conclusion.
  11. M

    Word limit 1500 words.

    I don't care for your choice of words. I have aright to complain, and how am I unable to cope, and how do I lack direction, motivation or potential?
  12. M

    Word limit 1500 words.

    Don't you have better things to do than go around being such a nasty bitch?
  13. M

    Word limit 1500 words.

    Well I worked out in my head that I've gone 16-17% over the word limit. So I guess I'll be penalised.
  14. M

    Word limit 1500 words.

    For this ABST 100 assessment, it was supposed to be 1500 words. I was worried about getting there, but in the end irionically went way over, with 1753 words. Will I be marked down for this?
  15. M

    How do they check plagiarism?

    Yeah, that's what all my teachers said in high school. This one boy in Year 11 copied and pasted an entire essay from the internet, word for word. Ended up getting 0, lol.
  16. M

    I still haven't got my CUL 101 Essay 1 back?

    What should I do?
  17. M

    What exactly does the term 'discourse' mean?

    Please help!
  18. M

    MQ General chatter thread

    Do you like or dislike you tutors and leturers? Or is it a mixed bag?
  19. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    What's a seminar?