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  1. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    Why can't they assimilate? Of course they should learn English. That is the language of this country now. Have you seen some of thos Middle Eastern Muslim families? Most of them are poor, yet have 10 kids, because they want to breed like flies and take over this country. they're a pest, and...
  2. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    Wow, how deatiled and insightful. I see you can't get from tone to substance.
  3. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    My point is that many come here, and just form ghettos. They don't bother to learn English, or assimilate into Australian culture. They still call themselves the nationality of the country from which they came. I think it's the same regardless of which country. Like if an Irish person came...
  4. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    If I moved there permanently, then yes, of course. Why wouldn't I? Why would I leave Australia, and go to china, yet still call myself Australian. I'd be no good to Australia or china in that case.
  5. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    It's really not that hard. If they're going to reap the benefits of this beautiful country, they should be patriotic, and assimilate. I think we shouldn't be allowing any Muslims to come here. They're nothing but a disease.
  6. M

    Why do people come here and not want to be Australian?

    I hate hearing people who live here say "I'm Lebanese", or "I'm Chinese" or whatever. Why come to this country unless you're going to be true blue? I mean, my ancestry is Scottish, Welsh, Irish and German, but I am Australian. I am proud to be Australian, and if you're going to live here, you...
  7. M

    Is there a difference between failing and failing?

    I assumed as much. Thankyou
  8. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    Yes, because I ws tying to be subtle, but you worked it out anyway. Good for you.
  9. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    What y'all saying girlfriend?
  10. M

    Is there a difference between failing and failing?

    If you're going to fail a unit, is thee a difference in the degree of how much you fail? For example, what is the diffeence between getting 3% for the course, and getting 38%? Random numbers.
  11. M

    What colour eyes do you have?

    But how do you know for sure that they don't have any white ancestry or are not wearing eye contacts?
  12. M

    What colour eyes do you have?

    1. Do they have any white ancestry? 2. Are you sure they're not wearing contacts? A lot of blacks and asians do wear blue contact lenses. If neither of these are true, please forgive my ignorance.
  13. M

    What colour eyes do you have?

    I think it depends on your ethnicty and race. I'm pretty sure all blacks and asians would have brown eyes, and most often biracial people, because brown eyes are dominant. Whites, on the other hand, depends on ethnicity.
  14. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    Excuse me!? This is all, 100% WOMAN! I am woman hear me roar I am strong I am invincible I am woman!
  15. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    Wait, you as a tutor are admitting they're pointless? How ironic. :haha:
  16. M

    Animal Rights.

    I think killing animals ifor pleasure is wrong. They have a right to live, just as we do. I can't understand why anyone would go hunting, and kill a poor defenseless animal for the sheer thrill of it. I think that people who hunt animals should be hunted and shot themselves.
  17. M

    Are tutes a waste of time?

    SO true jana. My tuteS for 3/4 subjects just stand there and say (I praphrase) "So this happened in the reading, what do you think?" I'm like, "I could be at home watching Deal or No Deal" instead of WASTING my time here.
  18. M

    Ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric

    Sorry, you're right. It's 1:00, I'm not thinking right. Mono means one, doesn't it. I know that, because polytheism means many gods, and monotheism means one god. Well Geo and Ethno must have been the ones I followed, I'll double check my notes (Macquarie Excel guide), as I mustn't have...