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  1. Eduard_Khil

    Any words of advice for next year modern HSCers?

    Work on your essays, without a doubt, work on developing a strong argument over a massive load of content, of course if you have a massive load of content that is relevant that's awesome, but the main thing to get marks is to argue your own idiosyncratic opinion effectively. If you do that fine...
  2. Eduard_Khil

    What are the most interesting facts you have learned in Modern History?

    yeah, he did it through entirely legal means after his failed munich putsch haha, but then again after that through achieving national fame, I mean, he had heaps of support and attention, allowing him to draw more towards him, that and the fact that by that time it would probably be either the...
  3. Eduard_Khil

    Who's ready?

    This test will be easy, I'm so pumped for my state ranking... but there's so much competition this year, gosh! Good luck heheehehe
  4. Eduard_Khil

    Radians and degrees

    yeah it's perfectly fine, as long as you put it back as required,but basically, if you're doing the sector questions, you want to almost always be doing it in radians, unless they specify it for some reason, of course. Also keep in mind whether or not they want it in exact form or what not LOL
  5. Eduard_Khil

    This forum seems to be dead?

    Background and heritage is not the same thing derrppppppp thats like saying, one and two are the same thing. Anyway Background is for those who have studied/lived in an overseas country for most of their life (I believe theres a certain amount of years needed, i think 6, correct me if I'm...
  6. Eduard_Khil

    What are the most interesting facts you have learned in Modern History?

    The fact that Hitler only had one testicle, forgive the profanity reference and image, but in all seriousness, might have contributed to his hatred, of him fighting for his country in WWI, despite all the things he did, and err all the sacrifices he made, they were humiliated, so it's a legit...
  7. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help? Second post down lrn2read
  8. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    yes you are, keep up with the times gramps :)
  9. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    WOW, LOL, I knew all the T cells, B cells, somehow this time I remembered them as the second line of defense wtf, thanks for reminding me
  10. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    I'm going to sit down, stare at the exam I've been preparing my whole year for, and completely rip it apart, won't stop for 3 hours and attempt to flood the markers with information
  11. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    What's the 3rd line of defense?
  12. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    can someone briefly describe the role and what the third line of defense is? just need to double check, not sure if my notes are legit.
  13. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone else feeling screwed for Bio??

    wait, but everyone has to shit somehow right? didn't you learn maintaining a balance, the excretory systems? I think you should study that, it's your test tomorrow
  14. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    errr darwin is blueprint of life LOL
  15. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone else feeling screwed for Bio??

    LOL, just wait til you see my name in the state ranking hahahahahaha your tone will change, and since I'm doing communication as my elective too, see you on the battle field and despair
  16. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    relate to....???? are you talking about how their theory of evolution is relevent to the ideas of convergent/divergent evolution, punctuate equilibrium, etc, etc?
  17. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    mate, that's a pretty poor excuse, even if your notes got robbed last night, that still shouldn't affect your knowledge which you should be containing within your brain for the last couple of exams and trials throughout the year.
  18. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    It's because of Mendels early work, about the characteristics of phenotypes as a result of these things called 'alleles' which were not named in Mendels time, Boveri pretty much showed that chromosomes were transferred from one generation to the next within cell division, thus suggesting that...
  19. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    I thought accuracy, was based on your measuring instruments. e.g. if you were going to use a 3 mL solution, but did it by pouring solution into a beaker, due to the large scale size of it, it wouldn't be very accurate when in comparison to something as small as 3 mL
  20. Eduard_Khil

    Anyone need help?

    yeah, my notes are called 'google'