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  1. Eduard_Khil

    Probability Question

    Congratulations you have identified my forum signature. I salute you.
  2. Eduard_Khil

    Probability Question

    Whether or not you believe in trolls, doesn't matter, you see, this is a probability question and you clearly are not answering the purpose of this thread. Which is why I suggested that the thread should be locked, in order to prevent people from discussing matters that do not relate to the...
  3. Eduard_Khil

    Probability Question

    under the current circumstances, I am inclined to disagree on your replying to this thread... As shown above I have included a detailed analysis on how the answer may be checked. This means any other attempts to answer these questions are futile. And may or may not be ridiculed by others in an...
  4. Eduard_Khil

    Probability Question

    This question highlights many notions; thus several complications arise. In my opinion, several variables affect the validity of the answer. In simpler terms, the answer in the textbook should be one that is concurrent to the question. Therefore, to address this situation you must: firstly check...
  5. Eduard_Khil

    My 2011 Major Work

    Thank you too! I just used the entire thing, now all that work is finished, time to play LoL
  6. Eduard_Khil

    Useful tips for writing reports?

    Yea as the title suggests any useful tips for writing reports? besides Use scientific language, aim, hypothesis, procedurem, risk assessment. What kind of things would markers be looking for in a good report??
  7. Eduard_Khil

    Help in a short respone question...

    Well as you know, The treaty of Versailles was extremely harsh on the Germans, with 3 sides (Britain, France, USA, Exclude Italy because they basically did jack shit, nor did they get what they wanted.) each wanting to make Germany pay, USA had Woodrow wilson, who tried to make fairer terms on...
  8. Eduard_Khil

    Any good books or websites?

    Use thats a pretty good website I believe. Or use Retrospective Year 11 Modern History from Jacaranda use Evidence of War 3rd Edition- Studying the First World War through Sources (that should help a lot with source based questions, and should cover a few dot points)
  9. Eduard_Khil

    PDHPE cut-offs?

    Yet you, come here asking for our help. Fail troll is fail :)
  10. Eduard_Khil

    Martial Arts thread

    I'm proficient in the art of fighting without fighting, that means you all lose :( Game over, nerds win.
  11. Eduard_Khil

    Whos doing Chinese Continuers for HSC

    Forever alonee, me and 3 other people in my class do it. Chinese Continuers unfortunately is a uncommon subject, the course was barely allowed to run in our school, due to the fact that only 5 people wished to do it (1 person dropped out this year so now its 4) but, in a sense its better that...
  12. Eduard_Khil

    Does God exist?

    What if your just trolling? Or that you just want to prove everybody wrong? No. It's not like Science, science and religion never mix well together, sure you get these scientists who are faithful to a certain religion, but they end up making their own theories and thus creates more confusion...
  13. Eduard_Khil

    Does God exist?

    and thus trolling was born.
  14. Eduard_Khil

    Does God exist?

    Is that sarcasm I detect? it doesn't translate very well on the net, OH WAIT that has never happened before.... (Sarcasm by the way, since you wouldn't know that :/)
  15. Eduard_Khil

    Does God exist?

    The moment when you made this thread you denied god. Therefore it is possible that you will be punished as a result of bad karma, yes you don't have to believe it, but it will happen. Or it could be balanced by an equal good karma that you have done, however this is known as the law of cause and...
  16. Eduard_Khil

    Are vitamins inorganic or organic compounds?

    definantly organic, as quoted from my biology book "Vitamins are organic molecules" Source: Biology in context- The spectrum of life
  17. Eduard_Khil

    After the HSC?

  18. Eduard_Khil

    The Official Boxing Thread

    Why do they not simply kick? Also the guy in the white trunks is pretty crap. :/
  19. Eduard_Khil

    Age Difference

    Technically, with your logic. a 60+year old could fancy a 5 year old and it would be right. Dayummm... don't go preachin' man