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  1. Jack Burton

    how many related texts do we need for distinctive voices

    how many is it im under the impresession that it is only one
  2. Jack Burton

    SAM is broken again!

    whats wrong with advanced SAM its says i have to update my courses but it wont let me
  3. Jack Burton

    ITT: We atheists discuss and shoot down Wicca, Jediism but not Christianity

    jesus can levitate so hah! but seriously why do we need religion im pretty sure if we weighed the good it has done against the bad then the bad would prolly outweigh it immensely
  4. Jack Burton

    Am I Right?

    Nah that real bad joe monday cakes narigah for ya thats so shame youse cant even gets some dik an is lik i has no sex nose mores an you talk like you gots some coork in ya bum brahh
  5. Jack Burton

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    i hate girls like that they go out with complete fucktards and when they cheat they forgive him then its like a complete cycle until they hit forty and realise shit i shoulda maybe sucked that jack burtons dick cause he wasn't such a complete arse to me ever... i mean answer this question ladies...
  6. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    your mums a dad
  7. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    you know why we have that drive because we are animals with sentience and we want to believe that our life isn't an accident, my life does have purpose so why would i kill myself just because a man said with no proof that god wants us to love him it doesn't make him real, anyways to love an all...
  8. Jack Burton

    Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles

    it might make them think twice about raping little kiddies
  9. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    mizcuzzo im not talking to you shut up
  10. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    sorry forgot the evidence... pretty much having a clean police record, never doing anything seriously bad and never hurting anyone enough to make them hurt other people.
  11. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    aaaaaah the new testament.. still the bible retard the purpose of my life is to be a good person and die... i dont need god to give me purpose and if you do then your pathetic
  12. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    shit one historian you win... was he a=by any chance religious
  13. Jack Burton

    What happens if i fail a subject in year 11?

    you have to redo yr seven
  14. Jack Burton

    Christians --

    alah is the one and only saviour of mankind and when you die you will be judge by his mighty hand, cause he will bitch slap you back to hell and be like no! no! you are too noob you didn't rape enough kids or you missed sunday morning service and didn't pay the money to god or maybe you had sex...
  15. Jack Burton

    any one know Minimum wages for..?

    why not ask the reject shop... common sense much retard
  16. Jack Burton

    Saying goodbye to teachers

    im gunna get my teachers a flavawave
  17. Jack Burton

    BOS ranks

    how does one rank up or down in BOS ive seen executive members etc
  18. Jack Burton


    it happened in 79AD