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  1. Jack Burton

    First kiss ideas sydney

    in your basement
  2. Jack Burton

    I've liked her for 2+ years. I don't know what to do. Advice anyone?

    just go up to her and be like hey hows it going and when she goes pretty good you sock her in the mouth and be like bitch! suck me off. 60% of the time this works everytime
  3. Jack Burton

    Use of the word 'gay'...

    wtf gay used to mean happy and then meaning was changed it to make it mean homosexual now it means shit. its very confusing why the fuck would homos get there knickers in a knot about this shit when society has obviously change the meaning once again to something totally different.
  4. Jack Burton

    Have you ever had a real fist fight?

    i was in a fight once with my grandma bitch wouldn't cook me some scones so i sconed her in the face with my fist. and then grandpa came in and i downed his arse real quick. when the rents came over they called the cops so i downed them aswell... stupid cunts couldn't handle my gun rack...
  5. Jack Burton

    After the HSC

    im gunna buy a ps3 slim and play that for about 3 months whilst working at my local post office.
  6. Jack Burton

    I've liked her for 2+ years. I don't know what to do. Advice anyone?

    just quote pick up lines out of anchorman its already been decided that it works
  7. Jack Burton

    Kevin Rudd

    i was watching a documentary on him and he became a vampire so thats cool
  8. Jack Burton


    i procrastinate by going on bos to look at new threads and tell myself that its important
  9. Jack Burton

    Has technology ruined the music industry?

    if it sounds good to the ears then its music <----------- actual defintion
  10. Jack Burton

    dog or cat meat

    wtf is up with the veagn man up if i was put into the situation of choosing either cat or dog meat then i would choose the dog
  11. Jack Burton

    dog or cat meat

    wtf is with the vegan man up i guess if i was put into the situation of choosing either cat or dog meat, then i would choose dog
  12. Jack Burton

    twilight series

    its crap
  13. Jack Burton

    Is there anyone else who is afraid they wont get their desired UAI?

    i like laughing at other peoples stress does that make me a bad person?
  14. Jack Burton

    Year 11 and 12 students, HOW DO YOU DO IT?

    rofl year eleven what are they like two paged essays, i say eat a bowl of cement and harden the f@#! up
  15. Jack Burton

    Would you join a political party?

    joining a political party is for noobs, when they are in power they do the same thing as the last guy just change the names of everything. im gunna vote for the guy that makes the best promises cause then he might follow through with one of them.
  16. Jack Burton


    when good people are leading a democratic government it works and the people are better off than would be in a dictatorship. its the only form of government that works it might be pretty shit but the fact is it works, communism is a good idea but thats all it will ever be a good idea, people...
  17. Jack Burton

    Talkin' 'bout your generation.

    its funny cause its an awesome show
  18. Jack Burton

    HSC what are you feeling

    im pumped im ready right now bring the HSC on!
  19. Jack Burton

    Recommend me a book (:

    watership down
  20. Jack Burton

    HSC what are you feeling

    whats everyone feeling now that we have basically 8 weeks of school left for me personally its a mix between excitement and impatience (over school )