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    Legal Studies Essay Share Thread

    CRIME: How have changes in the criminal justice system assisted in achieving justice for young offenders?
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    should i choose legal studies????

    Legal has the potential to be interesting in yr12 (the content is, as you said, much more engaging than Yr11, especially if your school does interesting options) but I've found that it does tend to drag on a little. Studying for exams is rather rote-learn-y and you essentially end up...
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    Urgent - need answ from smart ppl

    As was said above, you could talk about the specific HR case study you did- for example, asylum seekers, child soldiers, etc. Under that, you could discuss both the reform which has occurred in national and international law, with UN Treaties/Conventions probably being a pertinent example there...
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    How to get a 99.95 + State Rankings

    Umm, so I don't quite know what to make of this thread. BUT, even though I am a Humanities-based student, just some advice. (Btw, I attend a top-5 school and am ranked in the top 10-15 in my grade) 1) Take time off sometimes. It's not beneficial to spend EVERY WAKING HOUR studying; you'll need...
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    Can you theoretically "state rank" in prelim?

    .... What?! The whole point of 'moderation' in the ways that HSC marks are calculated is such that the marks and results of students at different schools may become comparable. You cannot get a 98 and assume that you're therefore in the top 20 students in the state- even in yr12, that idea...
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    Laws, Cases, Media Reports, etc - RANKED BY "IMPRESSIVENESS"

    Just a general question about use of LCMID in Legal Studies: is it possible to get away with making up media articles? I realise Legislation, Case Studies etc are extremely obvious when made-up (especially to experienced teachers), but what about media articles, where I'm supposing even the most...
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    Modern History State Ranks?

    Does anyone approximately know what the external mark/overall mark needed for state-ranking in Modern is?
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    Is cramming an effective study technique?

    I think cramming works for some subjects, depending on the nature of the course. Subjects like Maths, or Modern History, which are really about applying knowledge and being able to use the 'facts' of the course in a sophisticated way- there is no way you'll be able to leave studying till 2 days...
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    Percentages doing different options?

    Does the Board of Studies publishes the percentages of the state who do the different options? I know Family is done by a lot of students, but does anyone know about World Order and Indigenous Peoples?
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    CSSA Legal Studies Trial

    Does anyone remember the World Order or Indigenous Peoples essay questions? My school writes their own papers, yet my teacher this is pretty awful so I'm feeling rather unprepared for the HSC. Thanks!
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    Leaving School

    Excited as there's so much more out there in the world to learn and discover (beyond the 'tick-the-box HSC), but will miss the lovely environment of my school, my grade and also some of the teachers I'm close to.
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    Word count?

    Central Material is 4000. Intro, Log, and Conclusion are 500 words each.
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    Who memorises essays for english?

    I don't memorise at all- I just make sure I know my quotes and techniques, but I make up analysis/thesis, and essentially, the entire essay, in the exam. I cant bring myself to memorise essays- admittedly, it's probably easier, but I feel it defeats the purpose of exams. I prepare by writing...
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    Tutoring and the HSC

    I don't get any form of tutoring right now, nor have I at any point throughout High School- partly out of my perception that it isn't incredibly beneficial, and a want to still learn in school. As someone who isnt tutored, I find those who get coached quite frustrating, for example, people who...
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    How to Write a Proper Personal Reflection?

    I highly doubt there's any 'templates' for good PIPs out there- it is ultimately all about being a PERSONAL Interest Project, and I always think PIPs are best when being structured and written in your own way, rather than following a strict template/structure as such for the various sections...
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    Is it too much to be doing ancient history and modern history ?

    Doing Modern and Ancient is definitely doable: Modern can become pretty intense in Yr12 due to the sheer breadth of the syllabus and unpredictability of questions, but it is definiely such an enjoyable course and I'd recommend it to everyone to do! I currently do Extension but don't do Ancient...
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    Should I Do History Extension?

    I do History Extension at the moment, and I find it's a fascinating course that will introduce you to a lot of ideas and concepts in much more detail (Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, post-structuralism, and the bizarrely named post-post-modernism). But keep in mind that it is extremely...
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    Help with Year 10 Subject Selection!

    I'm in Yr12 right now, and out of your subjects, I do Extension 1 English, 2Unit Maths, Society, and Modern. I'd really recommend doing Modern out of those 3 subjects you're choosing between - it seriously is so interesting- but in my experience, Modern is quite a bit of work in Yr12. Yr11 it's...
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    How to approach the trials?

    The focus of the Extension History exam seems to lie in your ability to respond to the particular quote/question given. So, my teacher recommends we spend a good 10-15 minutes reading and planning Question 1 [and 5-10mins for Q2- and as mentioned before, you have to do the Extension case...
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    Modern history essay stucture help!

    A thesis should always be in the introduction to the essay: the introduction should be your response to the question, which naturally, should include your thesis. So you need to show the marker what your argument is straight away, then following through that with various arguments (i.e. your...