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    Why did you choose legal studies?

    Legal has the potential to be an interesting course- personally, I don't really like it seeing as it's essentially just a lot of memorisation, but the content has the potential to be interesting. I've heard that you really dont need the subject to do Law at Uni, so if you're choosing it simply...
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    how many words do you need for your pip

    Yep, the word limit for the Central Material is between 2500-4000; the guidelines were changed between 2010 and 2011, but it's definitely 4000 words for us. Log, Introduction and Conclusion all have word limits of 500 as well (although 10% leeway is allowed for these sections ONLY, not the CM)
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    Extension History

    Re: extention history The History Extension Syllabus can be accessed from the Board of Studies Website- it's from pg 11 onwards from the following document: The info for the coursework [What is...
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    I'm not a big fan of memorising essays, just because I've heard from many teachers that it's really obvious when students memorise essays, and simply word-vomit them in exams. I take some similar subjects to you (Extension English, Modern, Society and Legal), and I'd say the way you prepare for...
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    To do or not to do Extension History? How much time involved? Wort?h it?

    I'm doing HistoryExtension at the moment, and even though it took me until a couple of weeks into this term to start to enjoy it, I absolutely love the content we cover and the Project now. 1) Is it time consuming? Comparative to some other subjects, yes. HistoryExtension requires complexity in...
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    Are teachers necessary to get a good ATAR?

    Good teachers are incredibly, incredibly beneficial- I think they are great in that they engage you in the content, and motivate you to push yourself to a higher level. I've personally (mostly) had a great experience with teachers- my Modern & Society teacher is beyond amazing. However, crap...
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    Has anyone got an ATAR of 99.90/99.95 without doing Extension 2 maths??

    I know someone who did Advanced English, 2Maths, Ancient History, Legal Studies, Society & Culture and Economics and got 99.75. So yes, it is possible. Legal doesn't scale amazingly but it's not awful, either. My Legal teacher says as long as you put the work in and can answer the questions...
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    The School for Excellence (TSFX) Legal Studies?

    I was wondering if any past students have gone to TSFX Legal lectures? If so, are the notes/teachers good? My teacher this year has left and I'm pretty sure we're getting a terrible teacher next year, so I'm wondering whether it's worth going to? (Either this one, or the one before Trials)
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    PIP ideas. NEED HELP!

    A piece of advice which I'd probably give you is to think more about Society & Culture concepts: for example, you could perhaps look at gender roles as portrayed in Disney, or looking at how popular cultures (in relation to Disney/fairytales etc etc) have changed through time, and the reasons...
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    Is Society and Culture any good?

    Society & Culture is undoubtedly my favourite subject- then again, my teacher is incredible, so that might contribute to my perceptions towards the subject. I guess what I love most about Society is that it's so relevant to the outside world- you'll find that what you discuss/learn about in...
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    What's the point of learning the syllabus off by heart?

    I find that it's mostly to know the relative command terms for each dot point (i.e. an 'assess' is different from an 'explain'), which in turn, directs you towards knowing exactly what you need to be able to do in each dotpoint for an exam. It also depends on which subjects you do- for example...
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    PIP 2010-2011 LETTERS?

    The list of High Distinction and Distinction PIPs have been posted up on the Society and Culture Association Website: In regards to getting results back, my teacher says that the Board doesn't give individual results back- the Principal of...
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    Students ditching science in droves

    Science in my school seems to be decreasing in popularity as well, although this may only because I spend zero time around the science block now (Humanities pride!) I personally found junior science really unengaging- far too specific and formulaic, too much to cover and therefore, not a lot of...
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    Where in the syllabus are you up to right now?

    Just wondering, have most schools finished Crime by now? My school's only on the sentencing part of the Crime Syllabus, and haven't started Young Offenders/International Crime. Are we really behind, or is this where most people are? Thankyou!
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    I think the best answer to all your questions would be with your teacher - after all, HistExt is internally marked and it's up to the preferences/likes of the markers (in your case, probably your teacher). Generally, though, I think the key to the Project is to relate/answer the 5 major...