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  1. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    There's even more likelyhood that RPL is granted to postgrad than undergrad ..... even the example they use is GRAD MED :haha: (eg Master of Medical Education):
  2. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    The most common RPL exemption is the waiver of attendance requirements. I'm sure someone has been granted this in undergrad medicine. In fact, if it didn't break privacy law for me to find out who has been granted exemption, I'd wager you over it. Correct. But if I could wager that the faculty...
  3. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    Sarcasm. If you think long and hard you may understand it.
  4. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    You confuse my argument because you're confused and didn't read properly. You can 'talk' with your faculty all day long about it. That's not the point. I am saying even if it seems impossible, there is a system to appeal academic decisions. I am pretty sure if you dig hard enough you can...
  5. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    Some basic comprehension... READ THE THREAD FFS Now people read this through. My argument is that you can always request RPL....and that exemptions are anything that the faculty will sign. To summarise for complete idiots: 1. RPL is what faculty agrees on. 2.You can always ask for RPL...
  6. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    The argument is whether it is possible not whether it is likely.
  7. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    I care about what pluralist middle class brats think.
  8. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    RPL for medicine is exceptional, but that doesn't mean impossible. UWS Policy DDS - Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy The precedent exists.......therefore......try it.....there's no harm in applying/appealing for RPL.
  9. 44Ronin

    Does God exist?

    YouTube - XTC-Dear God Dear god, hope you got the letter and, I pray you can make it better down here... I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer
  10. 44Ronin

    Crackdown on welfare for under 20s

    Retail traineeship?
  11. 44Ronin

    Crackdown on welfare for under 20s

    Rudd says we need more retail traineeships :rolleyes:
  12. 44Ronin

    ITT: Songs about women

    YouTube - The Commodores-Brick House :spzz:
  13. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    I'm sure the unit blurb overides the academic constitution....... :rolleyes: I suggest you read up on this
  14. 44Ronin

    Crackdown on welfare for under 20s

    Shutup...........basket weaving is a useful and practical subject.
  15. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine. can always claim's a fundamental academic right. As I said......approach unit co-ordinators and request R.P.L
  16. 44Ronin

    Crackdown on welfare for under 20s

    It's a return of this bob hawke 'clever country' bullshit..........
  17. 44Ronin

    Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    Condoms will save many more lives than blind theological idealism. Besides..........god prescribes cholera to the jews.......since he cares so much for the welfare of humans..... :rolleyes: Ezekiel 4:12 "And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of...
  18. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Woah, it could be an even bigger waste of time and money than it already is!
  19. 44Ronin

    exemption for medicine.

    Anything and everything they agree to sign off under the terms of R.P.L.