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  1. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    ur da meanie. Just coz' roundhouse is better :(
  2. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    piss off size queen
  3. 44Ronin

    Palastinian Solidarity Week!

    maybe the godless faggot loving commie pinko bastards could fuck off and quit putting their lame fucking shit in the way of pedestrian traffic and quit harrassing people.
  4. 44Ronin

    Palastinian Solidarity Week!

    With their dull cliched and safe latte socialism.
  5. 44Ronin

    Palastinian Solidarity Week!

    Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales! Land rights for gay whales!
  6. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    Why do you know me?
  7. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    There are no left handed writing surfaces on campus....... I actually said that they should only install non hand biased tables in lecture theatres..... Some basic comprehension goes a long way.
  8. 44Ronin

    What have you eaten today?

    I had some sujuk pide.
  9. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    I hate the Carslaw cocksuckers.
  10. 44Ronin

    Does LaTrobe offer history?

    It's in Bachelor of Arts........
  11. 44Ronin

    What is NewStep @ Uni. Newcastle

    I did intensive Open Foundation at Ourimbah campus (central coast), which is very much similiar to Newstep - except it's for over 20's and it's only 40 units over a single semester.. We were in the the same units and classes as newstep people. - doing the same subjects. The main difference...
  12. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    So is chalking the front lawns........and they did nothing to Noah I say the bitch should remove the chalk himself.
  13. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    750/1500 Australian Literature.
  14. 44Ronin

    Sources & Quotes

    You can find most primary sources on the project Gutenburg site, in plain text for example:
  15. 44Ronin

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar Australia would be excellent place for partisan and guerilla warfare.
  16. 44Ronin

    Should all citizens have equal voting power?

    How does understanding of political philosophy and policy make for a good voter? You can't even prove that it does or does not. The concept of democratic voting is representational, not status quo. Furthermore, who is going to judge how people understand political philosophy, when it is by...
  17. 44Ronin

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar That is not how those weapons work. First and foremost, they are weapons of deterrence.
  18. 44Ronin

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar The cold war was a better outcome than a real one.