Search results

  1. J

    4u students and ranks in 2u

    In our school, they make us do it up to half yearlies (last week) so now I dont have to do anymore 2U exams. We do it in the case that some people drop down to 3U, which is probably a good idea since about 10-15 people have already dropped it in the past month. If it seems like we didn't try...
  2. J

    ...complex numbers...

    If you have Arnold 4 unit cambridge. Go to 2.5, curves and regions in the argand diagram and spend some time looking through all the examples.
  3. J

    MX2 Past Papers & Answers

    Re: Ext 2 Past Papers + Answers Does anyone have the questions for Kincoppal 2009 and SCEGGS 2009? Thanks :)
  4. J

    4 unit Topic ratings

    Have done Conics, integration, polynomials and complex. Liked conics the most, was fun once you get your head around it. Hardest to easiest Conics > complex > poly > integration
  5. J

    Induction Question

    %5C100dpi%20$%20A%20sequence%20is%20such%20that%20$T_%7B1%7D=8,%20T_%7B2%7D=34%20$%20and%20for%20all%20positive%20integers%20n,%20T_%7Bn+2%7D%20=%208T_%7Bn+1%7D-15T_%7Bn%7D$%5C%5C%20$Prove%20by%20mathematical%20induction%20that%20T_%7Bn%7D=3%5En+5%5En$ I've worked it out but theres one step im...
  6. J

    Conics Help

    I have absolutely no idea how to do this questions. I always start off with an idea then hit a dead end. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated :) P(cp , c/p) is a point on the hyperbola xy=c^2 The normal to the hyperbola at P meets the hyperbola again as Q. Show that the locus...
  7. J

    the dream car thread

  8. J

    Subject you like/dislike most?

    Like : Chemistry, Physics, 4u maths Dont mind : 3u maths, ext eng Hate : Adv eng
  9. J

    Volume about the x axis problem

    The area in the first quadrant under y=1 and above y=2-2/x is rotated about the x axis. Find the volume formed. Chapter 12E Q14 Cambridge year 11 3U I keep getting the answer wrong and am not sure if i'm doing it right or not...
  10. J

    what is your school up to in 4u

    We've done complex numbers > polys > conics Whether you're ahead or behind i guess depends on what you're up to in 2u and 3u as well.
  11. J

    few Qs from 4unit s.k patel im having problems with..

    Find Coordinates T, N and G T%20%28%20%5Cfrac%7Ba%5E2%7D%7Bx1%7D,0%29$%20$ N%20%28%20x1,%200%20%29 G%28[a%5E2-b%5E2]%5Cfrac%7Bx1%7D%7Ba%5E2%7D,0%29 OT%20=%20%5Cfrac%7Ba%5E2%7D%7Bx1%7D NG%20=%20ON%20-%20OG%20=%20x1%20-%20[a%5E2-b%5E2]%5Cfrac%7Bx1%7D%7Ba%5E2%7D...
  12. J

    few Qs from 4unit s.k patel im having problems with..

    Find your coordinates of M and N N%20%28acos%5Ctheta,0%29$%20$%20M%28%28a%5E2-b%5E2%29%5Cfrac%7Bcos%5Ctheta%7D%7Ba%7D,0%29 Your distance MN is ON -OM MN%20=%20acos%5Ctheta-%28a%5E2-b%5E2%29%5Cfrac%7Bcos%5Ctheta%7D%7Ba%7D...
  13. J

    Chemistry help

    Are you allowed to just read it from the nutritional value on the side? :haha:
  14. J

    Titration Calculation

    Tartaric Acid is C4H6O6 8.7ml of 0.0511mol/L NaOH = 4.4567x10^-4 moles. Since NaOH is monoprotic (1 mole of OH per mole of NaOH) and tartaric acid is diprotic, 1 mole of tartaric acid neutralises 2 moles of NaOH As you used 4.4567x10^-4 moles of NaOH , that means in the wine, there was only...
  15. J

    Any idea of how to create a set of english notes for modules?

    Since it is a comparative study, include as many links as possible Link the context in which they were written/made Link any similar themes eg. dangers of science, playing god.
  16. J

    Does Rank Matter ?

    Hypothetically, what would happen if you were last in your cohort, but came first in externals?
  17. J

    Methyl red in titration

    Ohhh I see, thanks alot (:
  18. J

    Methyl red in titration

    For a titration with a strong acid and strong base, the equivalence point will be about a pH of 7 and bromothymol blue is the optimal indicator. My question is, how suitable is methyl red as an indicator for a strong acid strong base titration? My school's bromothymol blue went off and our...
  19. J

    Combustion of ethanol Q

    Write out your equation for combustion of ethanol C2H5OH + 3O2 ==> 2CO2 + 3H2O 1 tonne of co2 = 1,000,000 grams Divide by molar mass of CO2 to find how many moles of CO2 = 1 tonne 1000 000/ 44.01 = 22722.10861 moles For every 2 moles of CO2 produced, 1 mole of ethanol was combusted. So...
  20. J

    Ellipse - PLEASE HELP!!!

    There's a faster and less messy solution. You want to prove PN/NG = (1-e^2)/e^2 Find your coordinate G which is (0, [-y1(a^2-b^2)]/b^2) Let B be the foot of the perpendicular for P to the y axis So , B is (0,y1) Draw it out and you can see that PN/NG = BO / BG by ratio of intercepts on a...