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  1. J

    Time Dilation Question

    Length contraction formula : Contracted length = Proper length x (1-v^2/c^2)^0.5] So you're saying 4.3 light years is the proper length, which is measured by someone on Earth. Hence by using 4.3/0.8, the value of time found is from the person on Earth's perspective, hence dilated time ---> sub...
  2. J

    Time Dilation Question

    Ok... but now i'll draw your attention to part 2 of the question.. Find the distance to proxima centauri measured by the crew on board. The answer is 2.6 light years. This means that, if they are travelling at 0.8c, they will measure a time of 2.6/0.8 which is 3.2 years. Does this...
  3. J

    Time Dilation Question

    My question is, is the answer A or C? I got A but the answers say C
  4. J

    Time Dilation Question

    A rocket is travelling to the star closest to earth, proxima centauri which is a distance of 4.3 light years away. The rocket travels at a speed of 0.8c and the time taken to accelerate and decelerate is negligible. Calculate the number of years that will pass as measured by the crew of the...
  5. J

    Induction Question

    OHHH i just got it. Thanks a lot. Took me a while to see haha.
  6. J

    Induction Question

    I dont understand the part where you say this is only true if _______ Why does that make it true? And yeah, i got it from maths online, but their worked solutions are kind of confusing, and they do it by moving everything to one side making it < 0. I was wondering how to do it going from where...
  7. J

    Induction Question

    I've gotten stuck at the end of this and don't know to finish it. The question is $Prove%20by%20mathematical%20induction%20that%20$%28%5Cfrac%7Ba+b%7D%7B2%7D%29%5En%5Cleq%20%5Cfrac%7Ba%5En+b%5En%7D%7B2%7D%20$Where%20$%20A%3E0$%20$%20B%3E0$%20and%20$%20$N$%5Cgeq%201 Skipping step 1 and the...
  8. J

    My 4unit tutor =/?

    +1 $55 is a lot an hour and you can probably get better ones for less. By not teaching you the theory, it's possible he can miss many things, so it depends on if you are learning enough theory at school. I would prefer a more systematic approach as with each topic, the theory often builds...
  9. J

    Chord of an ellipse

    Ahhh i see, still your way is much simpler haha Thanks alot :D
  10. J

    Chord of an ellipse

    Oh that is much easier -_- I dunno, i had a look at the worked cambridge solutions They used the identity that SinA-SinB%20=%202Sin%28%5Cfrac%7BA-b%7D%20%7B2%7D%29cos%28%5Cfrac%7BA+B%7D%7B2%7D%29 CosA-CosB=2sin%28%5Cfrac%7BA+B%7D%7B2%7D%29sin%28%5Cfrac%7BA-B%7D%7B2%7D%29 and you get some huge...
  11. J

    Chord of an ellipse

    The question is $P%20$%28a%20cos%5Ctheta,%20bsin%5Ctheta%29$%20and%20Q%20$[a%20cos%20%28%5Ctheta+%20%5Cpi%29,%20bsin%20%28%5Ctheta+%5Cpi%29]$%20lies%20on%20the%20ellipse%20$%20%5Cfrac%7Bx%5E2%7D%7Ba%5E2%7D+%5Cfrac%7By%5E2%7D%20%7Bb%5E2%7D=1%20$%20Show%20that%20PQ%20passes%20through%20%280,0%29$...
  12. J

    Social implications of the colour black

    You're very vague on what you mean by black, there's a line distinguishing between black and goth black. If you're just wearing something like a plain black shirt and black jeans i doubt there's much one could say. When you start wearing things like big black 'goth boots', like someone...
  13. J

    When does school start

    I start on thursday. Trinity grammar starts today :haha:
  14. J

    Production of Commercial Radioisotopes

    In regards to the dot point "Describe how commercial radioisotopes are produced" To what extent of detail is required? So far i have mentioned the use of nuclear reactors and particle accelerators and their production of neutron deficient/rich isotopes, as well as providing examples eg...
  15. J

    Cyclohexene + Bromine Water

    What exactly is the equation of the reaction taking place? I was thinking C6H10 + Br2 ---> C6H10Br2 But somewhere else i saw C6H10 + Br2 +H2O ---> C6H10BrOH + BrOH :confused: Also : is the state of bromine water (l) or (aq)? thanks (:
  16. J

    What have YOU done so far?

    Was planning on doing work. But im in hong kong now... so no such luck except 2 pages of frankenstein read. Can't bear to read anymore....
  17. J

    2009 physics trial

    Here you go.
  18. J

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    In extension 1 english last term we did gothic. He used twilight as a related text... How he got more than 5/20 i'll never know.
  19. J

    Brand New or Secondhand Textbooks ?

    Secondhand textbooks in good condition = new to me haha Cheap too :) usually by a lot
  20. J

    Pendulum experiment

    May not always be the case. If it's for a practical exam try and get it as accurate as possible. In our school, teachers only gave marks for those who got a value within 0.1 of 9.8ms^-2 ==..... so 9.7-9.9 was correct.