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  1. E

    Finished last prelim exam wooo

    Last exam is tomorrow which is English, first time I'm gonna have to write all these essays without a computer lol. My performance has been average-good in my eyes. I did study more than usual. I failed maths horribly though, everyone in my class of six did lol. Upset about that but looking...
  2. E

    Are morally objectionable acts excusable if enough people think it's ok?

    Umm wouldn't it just make rape impossible instead of it being wrong?
  3. E

    Are morally objectionable acts excusable if enough people think it's ok?

    Also, if rape is fully accepted, does it even stay as rape? Technically its sex without permission but if everyone was okay wouldn't they just constantly give permission anyway?
  4. E

    Are morally objectionable acts excusable if enough people think it's ok?

    Basically, it isn't morally objective to them if they are fine with it. Like with raping children, if they all think its good then so be it, bad for the children but they would get used to it and make the best of it anyway.
  5. E

    Grad speech

    Lol, what a fail on my part, guess there's a reason I failed my maths exam this year haha
  6. E

    Atar estimate please

    Beaconite enrages me, his profile picture just makes me want to stab something :P Yeah, the other estimates seem low. 78-83
  7. E

    ATAR estimate??

    depends on your school rank. Modern History won't count. I think 90+ isn't out of the question unless school is really low ranked.
  8. E

    Grad speech

    Well, if 200 days is a good figure 200*6=800 hours a year 800*7=5600 hours 5600*60=336000 minutes 336000*60=20160000 seconds
  9. E

    Atar estimate please!

    Extension 1 or Latin Cont would prolly not count for a unit
  10. E

    Study Guides

    Lol, you're awesome bro.
  11. E

    Study Guides

    I plan on taking my HSC very seriously aiming for a 95 atar as you can see in my sig. What 'study guides' would you reccomend? I do -Ancient History -PDHPE -2U Math -Adv English -Business Studies -Biology I've heard of success one and cambridge checkpoints, couldn't find out much about them...
  12. E

    Atar essssstimate yo!

    You're at the low end of a top end school so. Mid eighties to 90?
  13. E

    Please see this, letter to adrian piccoli, minister of education

    Yeah, I hate the. I'll post it if enough people say yes. Just post it please, I'm interested and so will a lot of people. Just post it!!!!!
  14. E

    English is stupid
  15. E


    That's cool. I wish my school would do that lol, all of the teachers are pretty supportive of the higher achieving students at my school though, since its ranked in 400's somewhere :P
  16. E

    Last proper day

    Yeah next Thursday is the yr 12 graduation which the year 11 always attends to see what happens and how its done. For my school.
  17. E

    What's everyone doing in the holidays?

    Yeah, I might go over the syllabus for my topics and maybe read some stuff but not too much tbh. Xmas holidays is where I'm gonna smash everything.
  18. E

    How donor come up with a reliable ATAR estimate??

    Yeah I just sort of saw what other people posted and could get a decent estimate of what I needed to post from that.
  19. E

    Atar Estimate Please? :))

    Damn nice marks there lol. Looking at 99.5-99.95 haha.