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  1. spyro14

    What are your rights?

    Not only Catholics oppose abortion and even if they were, as if you can't see the reason.
  2. spyro14

    What are your rights?

    There should be a univeral understanding, an unsaid law, that when a terrorist needs his head cut off everyone looks away.
  3. spyro14

    Fly me to the the moon, let me sing among the stars...?

    Indeed, good call Konrad Adenauer, lets not wait for the GFC to fix itself.
  4. spyro14

    Afghan women: be sexually obedient to your husbands or starve

    Well apart from the fact that the Youtube video goes for way too long, I'd say it pretty much sums up the ideal world that we don't have today.
  5. spyro14

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Just so we're clear I am in no way trying to target you by pulling you up on this one. Just because you know these women who happen to serve in the US military, how exactly do you know that they are competent soldiers in combat situations?
  6. spyro14

    Ownership of our bodies

    That was extremely insightful, now can you go be useless somewhere else?
  7. spyro14

    Ownership of our bodies

    Then it's a skewed vision I have.
  8. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Perception is reality my overly accepting friend,
  9. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Society as a collective whole doesn't think, it just acts upon the sometimes overly predictable trends in human behaviour. Discrimination against the common enemy or minority groups seems to be a means for society ignoring its own various failures in almost every other aspect of life.
  10. spyro14

    Ownership of our bodies

    Ohh please, you have the freedom to do whatever you want as long as you expect consequence. You can use said fist to punch me in the face granted you expect me to rip your face clean off. Unless you are religious what is the consequence of an abortion?
  11. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Interestingly enough some do believe that intolerance is brewing in both sides. News from Agape Press Yeah it's dodgy.
  12. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    I have no negative impact on their lives so who the hell cares?
  13. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    I'm a firm believer of equal human rights. So Yes
  14. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    I don't need help, as I said I do my best to be understanding. Having a massive parade once a year doesn't help, unless hetrosexuals also get a parade but that would be considered intolerant or whatever the word of the day is.
  15. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Driving through the city passed bars called things like the toolshed, so easy to ignore.
  16. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    No they don't scare me, no they don't hurt me, yes they kinda annoy me because I really do disaprove with the whole concept of homosexuality for reasons that I will keep to myself.