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  1. spyro14

    Ownership of our bodies

    First of all, I have to admit i've spent the last 10 minutes trying to work out how to pronouce your name. (laquasagacious that is) Secondly, all comes down to in my mind whether or not a person is religious, specifically christian since I don't know much about any of the others in any depth...
  2. spyro14

    Moon landing was a hoax!

    My life just came crashing down... I don't understand a wikipedia article.... and i thought tritium was some made up element in one of the spiderman movies lol (regrets saying that and hides away)
  3. spyro14

    Moon landing was a hoax!
  4. spyro14

    Moon landing was a hoax!

    This is really not my field so can someone explain what the difference between Helium and Helium 3 is? I'm guessing its something to do with Protons and Electons and Neutrons Etc... but a little extra clarity never hurt.
  5. spyro14

    Minimum Wage?

    I don't believe i'm disputing that. I was just saying that abolishing minimum wage completely should be avoided. Then again, i'm not even sure why you quoted me.
  6. spyro14

    Minimum Wage?

    What can I say? You never cease to amaze me and i'm sure your fellow civil engineers are shaking in their boots.
  7. spyro14

    Minimum Wage?

    You continue to impress me, this time with your $14 hourly rate, or is $15? moving up in the world I see.
  8. spyro14

    Minimum Wage?

    Completely agree with first two paragraphs, not so much with third. Even in the worst case scenario I feel abolishing minimum wages completely wouldn't be beneficial for the economy overall, since consumer spending itself in Australia's case is a vital engine of growth.
  9. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Still not happy with what you're saying but I suppose symbiosis is better than parasitic...
  10. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Ofcourse you don't have any "Romance" towards such a process, I got that vibe from you pretty quickly..... regardless I think we've both got our points across so how about we stay to the topic of Homosexuality?
  11. spyro14

    Minimum Wage?

    I have to say that it is a relatively important measure to take to stop exploitation of workers (even though they are becoming increasingly incompetent with all the time spent on facebook and whatnot). As for full employment, well probably better to speak of it as the natural rate of...
  12. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Calling yourself a former parasite isn't logic.... it's just cold and
  13. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    I understand the point that you all seem to be trying to get across but I just take issue with the idea of calling a pregnancy a parasite since I couldn't care less about "technical classification".
  14. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    So you pull me up on my subjectiveness, then you create your own measures of how you define things. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wtf?
  15. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Fine you got me. What else can I say? All I wanted to do was highlight the fact that we shouldn't always approach everything with a cold scientific view.
  16. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Right i'm not going to bother even thinking about a clever reply to that, i'll write whatever comes to mind and not fix any typo's. I really don't care if my distinction of what is normal is subjective, almost everything is. How do you get passed the fact that your claim of pregnancy being an...
  17. spyro14

    Is Rudd a good PM/leader?

    I am but I don't want him to take what I already have away from me. I say this because i've heard that he wants to put capital gains on primary place of residence if its value is over 2mill... So he can go screw himself and leave me alone..Unless what i've heard is false... than he can just...
  18. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Pregnancy is not an abnormal condition Graney...
  19. spyro14

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Obviously you see the core many people really do have a shred of dignity?