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  1. O

    Best Weights Program!

    that's quite extensive, and would probably resemble mine if it were less spread out and had more pizza.
  2. O

    Best Weights Program!

    I appreciate that you admitted that. Takes a lot of balls. Just a few things to consider about the points you raised: 1) Rippetoe runs what's called a 'black iron gym'. These gyms are very rare because they don't cater for the cardio bunnies. Basically it has no mirrors and consists of...
  3. O

    Best Weights Program!

    deadlifts are pretty taxing on the body, so 1x5 once a week is all you need. btw omie, the exercise you're worried about the overhead press will correct shoulder imbalances and stop you injuring your rotorcuff. Omie: assuming you're not of groundbreaking genetics the only way you're going to...
  4. O

    Best Weights Program!

    Please just do the program. Squats are a hip motion, they work almost everything in your lower body, they're not a 'leg' exercise as such. eventually the weights will get so high on the program that extra sets of leg press and inclines will fry you. don't do it.
  5. O

    Best Weights Program!

    It would be good to have a coach, but unless you can find an old olympic lifter or powerlifter then they're hard to come across. I think all of the core 4 slow lifts (bench, press, squat, deadlift) are safe if learnt correctly, and starting off with a solid guide like starting strength before...
  6. O

    Best Weights Program!

    You're a beginner you dont have a max. Just start where you feel comfortable. (a 60kg squat, 40kg bench and 60kg deadlift after you learn form with an empty bar is a good start).
  7. O

    GF cheated on me - still not over it.

    lol, its been a while. I did nothing. I went to the gym, partied with friends and dated a few girls. Last conversation I had with my ex in a long while was a few weeks ago. I got a facebook message out of the blue asking why I'd declined an invite to her party. I told her I wasn't interested...
  8. O

    Best Weights Program!

    Omie, I could understand if this was a snatch or a clean and jerk but the squat and deadlift are pretty safe lifts. If a deadlift is too heavy for you it won't move from the ground, period. If you get fatigued, the bar just drops onto the ground. With squats, if you get stuck at the...
  9. O

    Best Weights Program!

    If you can tell me how something that expresses a normative motion of the body in space and is done by Olympic lifters x6 a week in a sport in which less people are injured than PE classes nationally, I'd like to hear it. Lifting weights is one of the safest sports you can do because you can...
  10. O

    Best Weights Program!

    It sounds like too much sugar to me, which despite all the bro science isn't needed after working out. 1L of milk would be better on his budget and for his body imo.
  11. O

    Best Weights Program!

    No protein? no worries. Thing about protein powder is off ebay its cheap (you can buy a 5kg bag for $100, a 10kg for $170 and 20kg for $280) and doesn't take much to eat, so you can boost your calorie intake a lot. 3500 calories isn't bad, but yeah you'll have to eat more than that. Basically...
  12. O

    Hypertrophy specific training

    I think the biggest problem with cleans is bumpers. Without bumpers and a platform you're just asking for trouble (you'll fuck your bar, weights and floor).
  13. O

    Best Weights Program!

    Omie's right, the basic program's up at the start of this thread so get into it. Message me if you get stuck or wanna change something, I'd be happy to help. Remember to eat big though, lots of milk, meat and protein shakes will get you huge - breeze and I eat 5000-7000 calories a day and...
  14. O

    Best Weights Program!

    fuck you mate, I have a small penis. I had to do something about it.
  15. O

    Best Weights Program!

    FFFUUU ur probs right :( I got mad delts though :D
  16. O

    Best Weights Program!

    speak to breeze, he's got an 8 pack whilst we both have roughly the same bodyfat... FFFUUU BREEZE!
  17. O

    Best Weights Program!

    you know you love us, omie.
  18. O

    Best Weights Program!

    Breezer 'you used to be gay' and I still am :)
  19. O

    Best Weights Program!

    It will be balanced to an extent. There are basically two lower body exercises in the program (squats and deadlifts, these also do a lot in terms of back size as well) the rest are press variants (overhead and bench) as well as back work (either pull ups, rows or cleans). So technically...
  20. O

    Best Weights Program!

    I'll try to be succinct: 1) You're under 90kg. You're not entitled to an opinion. 2) Both Arnold and Reg Park did what is basically this same program (difference was their chosen shoulder exercise). 3) You're just plain wrong. A person can't bench 180kg if they don't have a big chest...