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  1. O

    Best Weights Program!

    Sample diets don't mean much as everyone has a specific calorie intake. It explains what to aim for in terms of macronutrients, correct water intake, correct protein and calorie intake and supplimenting (basically just creatine, multivitimins and EFA's).
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    Know any good songs??

    DMX - Party Up (In Here)
  3. O

    Best Weights Program!

    You have to remember that your back, ass and thighs contain 2/3rds of your body's musculature. If you want to get big, why would you focus on a small muscle like a bicep which is the size of a baseball? The books arn't just a program as such, but give instructions on how to perform the...
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    Best Weights Program!

    Most of the above has been covered by breezerD. You have to remember that you're doing a lot more frequency with the above program than a bodybuilding split. A split has you squatting x1 a week, this has you squatting x3. Thinking logically, what would create better leg development? At...
  5. O

    Best Weights Program!

    They're all splits and look like shit. If you're really serious about mass, do this: Monday 3x5 Squats 3x5 Bench/Overhead Press (alternate) 3x15 Pull ups Wednesday 3x5 Squats 3x5 Bench/Overhead Press (alternate) 1x5 Deadlifts Friday 3x5 Squats 3x5 Bench/Overhead Press (alternate) 3x15 Chin...
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    Pulling your muscle, some questions...

    not really. I'm teetering on 90kg. Its pretty obvious i lift weights now - the guys at work call me arnie, but they're chinese so there's a noticeable size difference anyway. My goal is to get to get over 100kg and stay relatively lean so that I fill out my shirts and and can find work as a...
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    why boys go bonkers for boobs...

    Makes guys look like 'men' rather than concave chested emos.
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    why boys go bonkers for boobs...

    Trust me, there are a lot of pretty thin girls out there. Again, itt: fat girls take offence.
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    Pulling your muscle, some questions...

    It's funny how someone posts something really intelligent like this and it gets ignored.
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    Hypertrophy specific training

    Tim, In discussion with breezer I've had second thoughts on the rows vs power cleans thing. Power cleans arn't really a mass builder. Their purpose is that they develop explosive power which helps with the other slow lifts, in particular the deadlift, which in turn create hypertrophy. Because...
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    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    No prob man - I found I had to go back and do the same, it was frustrating but ultimately it helps lift larger weights more safely. also I noticed you've got a push/pull thing going - I'd strongly recommend trying a full body - the frequency of doing a squat, press and pull x3 a week will...
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    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

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    Giving up a bodybuilding diet

    Arnold was possibly the dirtiest bulker ever. Sorry, I'm just not convinced that eatting 6+ meals a day has any advantage, nor that a macro ratio has any importance once protein requirements are covered.
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    Giving up a bodybuilding diet

    lol, I said I was giving up a bodybuilding diet. Once you lift long enough you realise that a calorie is a calorie for the most part, and that you're not going to make 5000-7000 calories a day eating clean. Its just plain expensive and impractical with a uni lifestyle. Btw breezer, I missed...
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    Anyone who misses their Ex

    This. words cannot actually express how much you should follow this advice, but you wont anyway.
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    Anyone who misses their Ex

    My ex was my best friend through high school, she'd end up cheating on me. You can read about it here: I'm a lone-wolf kinda guy so losing my best friend and girlfriend in one hit was not easy...
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    Which Uni should i choose?

    I find if you get down there right on 8.30 there's still a stack of parks. 8.45? you're screwed...
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    Which Uni should i choose?

    vague parameters. where do you live, what do you study?
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    Giving up a bodybuilding diet

    I'm growing vertically and horizontally (yay puberty)
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    Giving up a bodybuilding diet

    Iron levels arnt the only things I have to watch out for melsc, my first moot is this wednesday... Only 2 gym sessions this week. I wish I was better at time management :(