Does anyone know a place in Sydney that stocks Oakley SI Assault Shoes?
Oakley S.I. ASSAULT SHOE available online at Oakley.com.au
At least a hundred under retail price would be great :)
Heh I asked two of my mates today who watched Bruno, and they said it freaked them both out.
Supposedly the gay content is to the extreme and it sets a completely new level compared to Borat.
Borat was great though.
Animal cruelty is wrong. It is physically hurting another being for your gratification.
Harvesting animals for food isn't wrong. Human beings are on top of the food chain, this is how the nature works. You think I'm wrong? Go explain your case to the alligator.
Racism is acceptable on...
I met a guy at MQ uni who did service in Singapore and wasn't too happy about it.
The solution for unemployed youth is simple: cut off welfare. If their parents can support the, so be it. Otherwise, they will have to find something to do.
Yes, I see where you are heading. There would be a congestion at a new point, moved from the current spot where M4 ends, but the branches off the tunnel would make it much faster to get to some areas near the City.
For example, to get to City Rd from M4 would be much quicker. High tolls would...
This is what conscription is, and always will be:
(says People & Army are one).
I hope whatever countries left who are still practicing this in 21st century change their mind sooner. :)
M7 is fully private, its expensive - but its an excellent road. I think its the best motorway in Syd by far.
The NSW govt. will never fix Parra Road. A toll tunnel from Burwood or whever M4 ends to the City would be great, and I would use it, even it cost $5 one way.
Conscription teaches you that you are the property of the state and you must listen to your superiors.
Conscription may be necessary if there is a mass scale war, but it has no use in the current situation. A good way to damage economy, that's about it.
Coming from Russia, where conscription is still mandatory (and Russian army is the last place you'd wanna be), I don't know why people even bring this up.
Conscription wastes the potential of people who want to do something with their life, it wastes the lives of people who could possibly...
Don't spend money on either.
Learn how to motivate yourself. If you look around the gym, the most successful people there are self-motivated.
If you can't motivate yourself to train and fix your weight problem, no personal trainer will help you.
Here is all the diet advice you need:
Cereal +...
If your time is actually worth something, then a car is a necessity.
If your time is worth nothing, its a luxury.
Hence, public transport is for losers :)