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  1. russs

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    But, then why don't we allow Neo-Nazi, Anti-Muslim and Anti-Black organizations to have booths at uni O-Weeks? There is a limit to everything and I think SA is sitting across the line. It's dangerous thinking, just like Neo-Nazi principles are considered to be.
  2. russs

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    Australia is one of the greatest countries in the world, where most people can come and build a dream if they work and commit themselves hard enough. I don't know how groups like SA are even allowed to exist. Haven't those people studied the history a little? Myself, I came here when I was...
  3. russs

    Feminist Porn

    wtf. I haven't watched it yet, but it sounds even more fucked up that I imagined.
  4. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Great. I am sure there are women in existence that are stronger and faster than me in my weight class. I am sure there are women who can kick my ass in boxing, beat me at indoor soccer and other sports. I am sure there are women who can also snatch my deadlift max over their head. But...
  5. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    By allowing women to serve on the front, you are paving the way for them to be eligible for conscription if the need arises.
  6. russs

    What would be the most appropriate thing to eat before/after a workout at uni?

    If you are naturally slender, eating anything (including fat, just don't go overboard) will make you gain good weight when taken with quality protein. For me personally, carbs assist more with weight gain than fatty foods. Things like: - Quality Breads - Porridge: Oatmeal - Eggs - Pasta
  7. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Good for you. Somehow I really doubt that the majority of the women will be jumping with joy when they hear that they are up for mandatory service.
  8. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    I was actually referring to sexual discrimination in my previous post. It will be present in male dominated fields, and there is no way out of it. Doing medicals is not hand-to-hand combat and carrying weapons and heavy machinery. War also requires stoic mental character which normal women do...
  9. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Actually, it is. If there were a 50/50 ratio in the infantry, special forces etc whatever, I wouldn't be concerned. The real situation is, there will be 1 women per 50 men, if that. That's not acceptable. It will just cause more problems that it solves. Or, we will need to lower entry...
  10. russs

    Favourite road

    The rush that comes with it. :D
  11. russs

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    AND Why is this even a discussion? Randomly pick 20 men and women on the street (age 18-25). Dress them up in boots, load up a 30kg backpack and give them a machine gun. Make them go for a (short) run fully strapped. The outcome here is obvious. Also, I don't think too many women could pass...
  12. russs

    Favourite road

    In Sydney: Barclay Rd (Near North Rocks, there is a massive chasm in one spot ) Delhi Road Mona Vale Road is also quite good.
  13. russs

    How long do you predict until Blu-Ray will 'take over'?

    DVD's were a big jump in space from CD's. Blue-ray is the same. DVD's will be slowly phased out. Somehow, I think that the USB thumbdrives / fast internet & USB/firewire drives are creating a problem for this type of media. When I was switching from CD's to DVD's, the DVD's were the choice...
  14. russs

    best small first car to get?

    This. I don't know what the appeal is, but tons of people have them now.
  15. russs

    Would you join a political party?

    Its a troll and I think we are all feeding it.
  16. russs

    Would you join a political party?

    Re: Would you join a poltical party First, go to wikipedia and get your facts straight you socialist commie fuckwit.
  17. russs

    Would you join a political party?

    Yeh, I would join the liberal party.
  18. russs

    Why the %*#%

    Heh I actually discovered that I do this sort of stuff from a girl before, as it turned out she got irritated by it. I did not notice myself doing it. It was just something that happened.
  19. russs

    200kg Squat

    That is extremely impressive, especially considering your build. I am very far from this.