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  1. L

    CSSA Cafs - State rank?

    Thanks everyone :) I figured it may be hard to determine .. How about standard english .. Internal percentage of 88.5%
  2. L

    CSSA Cafs - State rank?

    So today I got my trial back and I got 98% :D I now have an official internal percentage of 98% too :) :) My school is 114th and has 57 kids doing cafs .. I'm ranked 1st Think I can state rank? Not sure how it works exactly, but I'd like to think I could ....
  3. L

    pre req help !:)

    Haha yeah I'm aware of the somewhat "scam" tactics used by unis Lol I'll ring, and decide accordingly I think
  4. L

    pre req help !:)

    ACU's uac page for speech path coins the term "prerequisites" though?
  5. L

    pre req help !:)

    Hey everyone, I just need some quick help regarding pre requisites ... If my atar easily exceeds the entry requirements, however I dont have a pre req ( I do standard not adv english) , would I still be considered?
  6. L

    UAC applications open

    uac preferences :) So I just altered my uac preferences and was curious to what everyone else has finalised if already done .. I'll start with mine: 1. Med/surgery - UWS 2. Med (JMP) - UNE / UNCLE 3. Dental Science - CSU 4. Physiotherapy - CSU 5. Physiotherapy - ACU 6. Nursing (Advanced...
  7. L

    Is this true?

    Thanks for the help Riproot :) Good luck for med too, might see you there
  8. L

    Is this true?

    Thanks for that :)
  9. L

    Is this true?

    Person A - applies dental science first preference atar of 90 Person B - Applies dental science third prefernce atar of 98+ If multiple people apply for dental science replicating person A's preference and atar, would person B miss out on an offer?
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    Is this true?

    Curious after reading this , what would happen if the person whom has it lower on their preferences got a much higher atar than the individual whom has it listed first? I assume as course entries are cutoffs, this wouldn't matter and they'd still miss out? I.e I have dental 3rd on my...
  11. L

    Medical Form Help!

    Thanks for the reply :) They classify anyone from RA2 onwards as "rural" however, so majority of people I suspect will be awarded the 5 bonus points ..
  12. L

    Medical Form Help!

    So i've applied via UAC for newcastle and une medicine, however I can't seem to find the individual jmp ( joint medical placement ) forms, on either website or the jmp website itself :/ Anyone know where it would be? It says the forms are available in August, but I can't find it ... On a side...
  13. L

    Prereq Help! Please :)

    Well because I needed a high atar because my first option is to enter med I figured I'd do easy subjects .. And I mean really easy lol .. General maths, standard english, cafs, senior science and pdhpe .. Luckily its paid off and I'm sitting on 98.1 according to my careers teacher who gave me an...
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    Prereq Help! Please :)

    I thought about maybe self studying and doing a bridging course, but Idk :L
  15. L

    Prereq Help! Please :)

    Thankyou so much SpiralFlex :) I think what you said about the worth of bridging courses is correct too from what I've heard
  16. L

    Prereq Help! Please :)

    They're assumed chem, maths, physics .. So assumed aren't pre reqs, but going into the degree they'd expect me to know them?
  17. L

    Prereq Help! Please :)

    So I want to apply to CSU - Dental science but I don't have the prereq's .. Is it worth applying still, Or will I just be overlooked completely ?? Atar estimate from careers teacher is 98.10 if that helps and csu state that I need a min of 90 ??
  18. L

    UAC applications open

    Medicine courses, Advanced Studies Nursing Usyd, Physiotherapy ACU/Usyd, Bachelor of science - Neuroscience major
  19. L

    For each section, which letter did you use the most?

    I think I only had about 4 a's for s2