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  1. Woteva636

    Do your friends/family know you post on bos?

    a few know i use it, but they think i just read posts, not hat i actually have an account and everything. one of my friends doesnt realise i use it, even though i talk to them about it a lot of the time.:haha:
  2. Woteva636

    Quick Question about doing past papers

    My school cahrges 12c a page, and atm doesnt have a colour printer for students, but its monitered by a program on the computers- you get a certain amount of credit for printing and internet, and if you excede that amount you have to buy more. the flip side of it is the teachers arent charged...
  3. Woteva636

    Overpriced Games

    Paypal has screwed a lot of people over the years, but that doesnt change the fatc that it still costs a fair bit for a new game, particularly on PC, if, and only if, they decide to release it on PC. As for consoles, being an unpaid HSC student, the initial outlay for the console ( > $400) is a...
  4. Woteva636

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    Matthew Reilly books, although some of them are technically stand alones, and hes so far written at least two serieses The Tomorrow series isn't bad Harry Potter was a bit of all right, but was a bit childish in the first couple of books looking back I'm sure there are others, but i'll close by...
  5. Woteva636

    World Towel day

    right..... I think i'll just stick to base ten for counting, base two for entertainment and base e for intergrating logs!
  6. Woteva636

    NSW Speed limiters in cars

    yeah, the cops give you +/- 8% of the speed limit, but your speedo can legally be out by +/- 10%... its all just fundraising, but atm i dont care because a) i dont speed and b) our country needs more funds so that less of my taxes go to paying off the federal defecit.
  7. Woteva636


    it can help with understanding the concepts, but if you already understand them theres porbably not much point
  8. Woteva636

    chemistry: where is every1 up to?

    just started chemical monitoring and management, but our teacher says we're a week ahead of schedual
  9. Woteva636

    best games to get around surf control.

    i would tell you, but every time i find one it gets blocked, like half an hour later. find a good proxy. or several. youll need them
  10. Woteva636

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    mickey mouse, donald duck, minnie mouse, daisy duck, goofy, pooh bear, eeyore, tigger, piglet... i went to disney land when i was 9, but i'll bet heaps of people in the world would consider them more famous than modern day celebrities that we know of
  11. Woteva636

    Should i quit violin lessons?

    if you don't like the violin, or any instrument, then you may as well quit it and find a better use for your time.
  12. Woteva636

    NSW Speed limiters in cars

    manual is cheaper to buy, cheaper to run and safer becasue you pay attention to whats going on around you theres a reason that on red ps you can drive any car if you get your license in a manual, but are restriced to autos if that what you got your lisence in. PS, i learnt to drive a manual...
  13. Woteva636

    What do you think of the HSC?

    The HSC is unfortuantly life for a lot of us atm, which means we've gotta put our heads down and make the most of it. I've been told 2nd term is the worst part of it, coz youve got heaps of assesments, sometimes half-yearlies, its a long term and the end is not yet in sight. i think i agree...
  14. Woteva636


    Holy shit, i havnt started intergration yet, i'm a bit behind in the course, but now i'm actually dreading it. + rep for that answer though :)
  15. Woteva636

    Circle Geometry

    Yeah, its like the more you know the less you know, because there's more ways to do it.
  16. Woteva636

    Find log

    its called the change of base rule, i cant find my text book so i cant really explain it, but i thought he others had done it pretty well.
  17. Woteva636

    What are your plans after your HSC?

    I plan to sleep in, then work for a friend, then go to uni or work for a year then go to uni, havnt really decided
  18. Woteva636

    NSW Speed limiters in cars

    you actually dont get much of a time advantage unless youre going at least 15% above the limit, just increase stopping distance and petrol consumption
  19. Woteva636

    Beep Test tips (MSFT)?

    My best was 13.1, but i was fairly fit then, now with no training i manage anywhere between 8 and 10
  20. Woteva636

    Has anyone had their bodyfat percentage measured before?

    i had it done with calipers a few years ago, i came out at about 5%