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  1. Woteva636

    Federal Budget 2009-10

    go liberal, increase cigarette tax and getus back in the black faster. btw, who reckons rudd'll call a double disollution election, or what ever its technical term is, if he cant get the buget through the senate?
  2. Woteva636

    What have you eaten today?

    Bowl of cereal and a piece of toast... (five seconds later) no, check that, two pieces of toast :haha:
  3. Woteva636

    What is your current Ring Tone.

    Calls- Stuntman by TriPod SMS- what ever default the phone came with, and unfortuantley I cant change it that being said, i rarely don't have my phone on silent.
  4. Woteva636

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    But why was he stood down, he wasn't under contract with channel nine or the melbourne storm when it happened? if you ask me its just a typical, bureaucratic knee jerk reaction. its not like that sort of thing doesn't happen all the time anyway, just look on any porn site.
  5. Woteva636

    Environmental Ethics in Christianity

    Thanks so much, i've been learning about bio-ethics, but my teacher is so dodgy i might just learn what i can from here and supplement it with google, then see how i go in my trials.
  6. Woteva636


    just type into google bauxite, aluminium etc (make sure your on pages from australia only) and look for company websites like BHP or RIO, they usually have maps
  7. Woteva636

    Significant figures????

    We were always taught go to the number of the least accurate data eg if you have the pieces of info, one to three sig figures and two to five, only give your answer to three. do all your calculations with the most acurate data you can (starting with five sig figures then what ever the...
  8. Woteva636

    Do You Like The Current AOS?

    I think that the people who want to do English would prefer Belonging, because it gives them a chance to really shine over the rest. Me, personally, I'm only doing advanced English because I don't like the standard teacher, and i really HATE Belonging:burn:!! Journey was so easy because you...
  9. Woteva636

    What mark are you expecting in 4 unit?

    I'd like 90, I'd settle for 80, but if I'm lucky I might get 70
  10. Woteva636

    Geometry Question

    Let angle CBD=x Now let angle ABE=3x Thus angle ABE = 3 times angle CBD No seriously, take it from someone whos completed the mathematics course (prelim and hsc) in 14 months and is now working through 4 unit, you need at least one value, other wise any angle in your diagram can equal anything...
  11. Woteva636

    ADF Gap Year

    from what i've read here, it sounds like youve got to do exactly the same thing to apply for the ADF, whether full time or GAP year. as far as i can see, the only advantage of doing an ADF GAP year then joining full time as oposed to doing nothing for a year or a conventional civillian GAP year...
  12. Woteva636

    Matthew Reilly books

    Go matthew reily, he is the best author Ive ever read (i must remember to thank my firends for puting me onto him a couple of years back) i reackon hovercar racer, ice station and temple were his best ones, contest probably would have been up there except i dont really go for sci-fi, still i...
  13. Woteva636

    Making Vista Ultimate faster

    Yeah, fair enuf, i guess its just the old prinicple of agree to disagree ...and both get windows 7 when it is released and affordable:)
  14. Woteva636

    What does it mean?

    He's been listenign to Hall and Oates- great song, listen to it someday, plus the video clips pretty cool as well
  15. Woteva636

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    How the hell has this thread survived since mid 2004? surely there are a lot of single people out there....myself inculded :-(
  16. Woteva636

    Making Vista Ultimate faster

    Geez, youve changed yr tune in the last three days havnt you?
  17. Woteva636

    What do ppl do for fun nowdays?

    Just keep posting/making new threads on BOS etc. it seems to work for a lot of people
  18. Woteva636

    HD Tv question

    just buy a TV tuner for your computer, for $110 you can get a HD digital tuner + a decent aerial, or you can just get an adaptor and plug into the coaxial port in the wall, i do that and it works fine.
  19. Woteva636

    Windows 7 RC Public Beta

    i would try it, except it wouldnt run on my desktop, and my laptop is playing up atm. btw, what does RC stand for, im a bit slow with tech lingo
  20. Woteva636

    Can you vehemently oppose abortion and be pro-death penalty

    I reckon that if there is necesary cause for abortion, and the woman is okay with it, then its fine. If the baby is going to be a vegtable all its life and they figure that out twelve or so weeks in, and the mother/parents cant afford to care for it for the rest of its/their lives, then they...