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  1. L

    Early studying for Year 11

    Yeah ive heard minority- none are doing 2u in ruse. Yeah because a common mark in both english is usually early to high 80s and you just get scaled up in almost any ranked 200+ school.
  2. L

    Ranks needed for 95+ with this school rank?

    Curious on what sub you bombed.. Op these ranks are only based in your class right?
  3. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Not keen to see my english marks for my reports. Any money ill be dead last
  4. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    I look at this year and ask myself... Where has my junior years gone? *sigh
  5. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Really inspirational! you're getting me a feel to pick up my game. but damn you mustve been hella determined even after being highly discouraged with not taking those subs, respect ! :)
  6. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Did you completely lock yourself from the outside world during preliminaries and hscs or did you have time for ECs? Well glad you achieved your desired marks for maths ext 1 and 2. Wait you can apply for ext 2 without being recommended?
  7. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Well I have gotten most of the concepts we're going to learn in the syllabus down but I just don't feel the pressure in preliminaries so far. I haven't locked my room for 6 hours straight and crammed like hell so I guess im not too serious yet, unlike most of my friends who brags about having 3...
  8. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    If you "just chilled" these holidays, and you got a 98. It really gives me hope I can achieve a 94 hahaha but then again you might be really talented.. :(
  9. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Backflips, c720s, 540s, backhandsprings, pop 360s, proper hooks, cart fronts + variations of those, btwist. Need to step it up but ceebs, saving energy for senior then going hard during uni. Thank god you didn't say it was similar to parkour. I would give you a 6 page essay on what it is and...
  10. L

    Anyone gotten an atar of 99+ without tutoring?

    I go tutor like 8 hours a week and study 4 hours a day and I just hope for a 94+. Respect to anyone who gets 95+ without tutor... you guys are my idols haha
  11. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Martial arts, parkour, tricking, lion dance, body building, guitar, piano. Shouldve applied for src because one of the current is a knob. Probably will allocate at least 4 hours a week for tricking but others, definitely not... sad i'll have to leave but I will be back after hscs so its not too...
  12. L

    Procrastination subjects

    Deadset, cant find one. I can work on a subject for 3 hours straight, fully focused. Open a text and make me read it... I'll fall asleep in the next 30-60 pages..
  13. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Ay! Dont diss my physics tutor. Nah she like those girls who put it on perfect.
  14. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Hahaha sorry. Got a little carried away there. Her notes are very thorough and she is patient when teaching a new concept. She got an atar in the 99s and a high band 6 in physics so probably haha
  15. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    'Really good looking' is an understatement. She is literally perfect. Her scent, her clothing, her hair, her makeup. Shes just oft.
  16. L

    How to excel in senior year studies (yr 11/12)-99+ ATAR graduate

    Re: Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to excel in senior year studies(yr 11/ Is there some way to improve on my essay skills or english related skills besides writing essays and having a harsh marker?
  17. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Would love to meet all you BoS 15'ers one day. Hopefully we'll meet up at open day sometime! I felt like ive spent my holidays well but then again not because 1/8 of my time contributed to tutoring. Sounds like a good thing right? Wrong. Just spent my time admiring my tutor because shes...
  18. L

    2014 Year 11 Roll Call :)

    Because ext 1 english runs before and after class... Not keen to spend school during non school hours haha
  19. L

    Procrastination subjects

    Physics and chem to put off english. Or maths and economics to put off english... Anything to put off english. Never. English.
  20. L

    How I got 99.95- Akhil

    Same here if you would be so kind :)