Search results

  1. darkcounty

    Maintaining your Year 11 rankings...

    Maintaining last year's crappy ranks will be hard. :D
  2. darkcounty

    General Maths and Standard English

    Depends, I know people who dropped down to general and were unpleasantly surprised that they failed because general math is a whole different course. Personally, I'd fail at general because they delve into surface area, volumes and statistics which I especially hate D:
  3. darkcounty

    General Maths and Standard English

    Well you've assumed wrong. I did standard in prelim and you do have to analyze, explain and discuss the texts to get anything above a band 3. In fact, most of the course was spent examining techniques and their effects. Looking at advanced english, I do not think it's necessarily any more...
  4. darkcounty

    Year 11 vs Year 12

    Year 12, I'm feeling the burn already. I can't sleep and school is on my mind all the time. Can't wait for Christmas already.
  5. darkcounty

    why english is compulsary

    Ext Eng really has inflated your head... I bet you pick on ESL students.
  6. darkcounty

    why english is compulsary

    God, stop being so elitist. It's irritating.
  7. darkcounty

    why english is compulsary

    It's more about comprehension and expressing yourself effectively. Higher education subjects involves complex language and all subjects require essays and reports to be written. English is all about improving your writing style and being able to argue points succinctly so it isn't an eyesore for...
  8. darkcounty

    Competition at your school

    But why would it bother you when she's only getting average marks? You could easily pwn her in the next test.
  9. darkcounty

    "Study" Periods.

    Same here but then again, I've never had a free period. So I can't exactly miss what I've never had :D
  10. darkcounty

    which study guide is better: macquarie or excel?

    I didn't know there was a difference between study guides and textbooks. Anyway, I like the excel one for chemistry. I prefer it over conquering because the explanations are more succinct and the layout as everyone else mentioned, is better. I like reading things in columns.
  11. darkcounty

    When do you study?

    I tend to study late too, since in the afternoons, it's too hot to concentrate and I feel tired from walking home. Between 4 - 9 pm, I'm basically relaxing/ recovering from school. So by the time it's 10 pm, I feel guilty and I make myself study.
  12. darkcounty

    Do girls like this stuff ...

    Wow, uh... did anyone else have to google all those terms?
  13. darkcounty

    Notes - Handwritten or Typed

    I type them, just for ease of reading. It's like typing up your own textbook. I've tried handwriting my notes but the diagrams look so daggy and unorganized and with typed notes, you can tweak and refine them as you go.
  14. darkcounty

    Competition at your school

    Everyone is smart but there's no competition really. Everyone just keeps to themselves. And like the above posters say, the teachers are like, "it's not you against the class, it's us against the state!" *cue class groan*
  15. darkcounty

    Not attracted to your race

    I'm not surprised, all the filipinos on this thread said something similar.... funny how so many filipinos aren't attracted to their own co patriots.
  16. darkcounty

    How many units do you do? Anyone do 14+?

    No... 12 and 10 units are the most common, followed by 11 units.
  17. darkcounty

    anyone going to Amon Amarth or Screamfest???

    Those local acts are mediocre. Why couldn't they get Psycroptic or Nocturnal Graves or Malign Entity? They're Australian. But meh, I've got the tickets so I'll probably go to see Destroyer 666 and Destruction.
  18. darkcounty

    hardworking Vs. intelligence

    Wow, so many captain obvious cliches in this thread. Anyway, I don't believe it when people brag about getting excellent results in exams at senior level with barely any study (unless natural intelligence comes complete with photographic memory), either they are, a) being flippant so they...
  19. darkcounty

    How many units do you do? Anyone do 14+?

    Having a back up is not the only reason for doing 14 units you know.
  20. darkcounty

    Why did u choose standard english?

    No need to be so uppity.