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  1. H


    Is it normal for it to sayvI am not enrolled in any courses?
  2. H


    Okay, works now
  3. H

    Blackboard can anyone log in?
  4. H

    Keith Burrows

    Who was he?
  5. H

    Internet at UNSW

    What is the internet at UNSW like? Is it unmetered (or do you have to buy credit etc)? How far is the range of its Internet (i.e. can it be accessed from the colleges and dorm's on campus)?
  6. H

    Computing 1A

    tommykins got owned lol :chainsaw:
  7. H

    Anyone else keen to start?

    I'm ready to stop full tiime work and start studying :)
  8. H

    Engo timetable question

    I thought all tutorials would be like that?
  9. H

    Introduction to Engineering Design and Innovation - ENGG1000

    I too will be doing it this year. From what I see on the website, it involves a project in group work, i.e. making a bridge out of drinking straws (or a cou;le of less interesting ones also)
  10. H

    Engo timetable question

    So how is it differernt from a normal lecture then?
  11. H

    Engo timetable question

    Moving it to Wednesday would probably be alright.
  12. H

    Tax file number.

    You're bank would have it, they may give it to you. Ring up the tax department? Payslip?
  13. H

    It was a coincidence (toga party thing).

    It was a coincidence (toga party thing).
  14. H


  15. H

    Bonus points.

    Pretty sure it still does.
  16. H

    can't get into servers to accept offer

    Locked as requested.