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  1. L

    ATAR estimate please

    Not really .. its been around the 130 mark for a few years now .. Apparently the english ranks moved into conjunction with the top schools , but it didnt really affect the rank
  2. L

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread Man City fan or ?
  3. L

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread I don't think he'll take the reign at CFC again .. Maybe replace SAF at Man utd *fingers crossed*
  4. L

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread I think if ribery plays like he did vs marsielle in the second leg it'll definitely make things interesting .. not sure if di maria could contain him considering he's only just coming back from injury .. Gomez, robben, muller are strong, but so are every single...
  5. L

    ATAR estimate please

    sorry, just frantic atm :/ Feel like absolute crap I think I can get business studies up to top 3.. There's only about 3% separating the top 20 atm .. Btw is my school rank low for a selective school ?
  6. L

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread Salivating over the bayern munich vs Madrid tie ...
  7. L

    ATAR estimate please

    Think I can boost it to a 95? :/ Fml already stuffed year 12 :@
  8. L

    ATAR estimate please

    As of yesterday half yearlies are over for me, and after a term of working harder than anyone else at my school ( I know this because everyone is seriously always partying ) including my brother and sister ( yes I'm a triplet :O haha ) , I am really disappointed :/ School rank is 130 ~ 150...
  9. L

    Shampoo for a guy?

    It sounds like you and I have the same hair type -.- Which I feel so sorry for you about lol .. I find that using cheaper aldi type brands actually doesnt dry it out as much and doesnt allow it to get as greasy as fast
  10. L

    2011 HSCers offer tutoring?

    I'm only in year 12 this year, But I had class ranks of first in each subject with 98% for cafs , 94% for business studies, 98% for senior science, 94% for general maths and 96% for Pdh .. We wont mention my english marks :@ lol .. So if any prelim guys/gals want a hand, I'd be happy to help :)
  11. L

    Rural Medicine Scholarship

    Are you saying I know nothing about med? :speechless:
  12. L

    Rural Medicine Scholarship

    MRBS Scheme doctors can choose where they work, and for whom they work, when undertaking the RSO. MRBS Scheme doctors will be able to work anywhere under the ASGC-RA classification system in locations currently categorised as RA2 (Inner Regional Australia) to RA5 (Very Remote Australia). -...
  13. L

    Rural Medicine Scholarship

    I thought it could be RA2? Or maybe that was for bonded placements in areas of workforce shortage .. Although I was relatively sure it was RA2 inclusive in the obtainment of an MRBS place ..