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  1. melsc

    Graduate Positions 2011

    Hey guys, For all of those who didn't get a clerkship (and those who got one and don't intend taking a graduate offer from them) I thought it would be a good idea to start discussing who takes law grads and compile dates and places who are having a 2011 intake. I know its early, I am...
  2. melsc

    the pill

    Sounds like you're getting some breakthrough bleedings which means that your pill may not be as effective as it should, you may need something stronger.
  3. melsc

    Units 2010

    I think I am at like 73 or something? I am going to do it regardless coz I am so over the units offered. I am doing commercial as I figure it will be useful Hopefully a grad position but I'll see what I get, otherwise I'll do my PLT I think
  4. melsc

    If YOU had to make a choice...

    Only do law if you want to do it, its a lot of work if all you are looking at is a tiny increase in employment prospects
  5. melsc

    law @ UWS?

    Follow your interests, law is a long and tedious course and you won't get through it if you are doing it for wow reasons etc
  6. melsc

    The Time Traveller's Wife

    I read it on Sun and Mon and lovvvveedd it!
  7. melsc

    Money-saving tips?

    Going out costs a lot, my friends and I do things like dinner, board game nights, takeaway, beach etc rather than much in the city, if you want to go out all weekend expect to be very poor. Find cheap ways to socialise...its a necessity, house parties are a lot cheaper than drinks in the city...
  8. melsc

    Units 2010

    What units are people looking at enroling in? I am done with my cores so I am looking at: Semester 1 *LAW511 - Advanced Research Project *LAW429 - Information Technology Law *LAW416 - European Union Law Semester 2 *LAW421 - Foundations of Commercial Law *LAW522 - Advanced Torts...
  9. melsc

    what is the earliest you have had to start uni?

    I have had 8am classes...latest class till 7pm (not an evening class)
  10. melsc

    Too young for Uni?

    Everyone goes through a steep learning curve when they enter the real world and go to uni, everyone else is going through the same thing and is about the same age. Everyone gets a little nervous, you'll be fine, its time to grow up, there will be some parts of it you'll love!
  11. melsc

    Off unsw law by 0.15 whats the chances of getting in?

    I'm pathetic for quoting you? Its a common thing to do on internet forums so people are aware of what you are refering to. You also did it to me, does that make you pathetic too? Talk to me when you've grown up and experienced the world. I have one year left till I have finished a law...
  12. melsc

    Is this bullimic?

    I would be worried, just because you've only caught her doing it a few times doesn't mean its only happened on a few occasions. I would keep an eye out, talk to her about it and be ready to inform someone you trust (or help her get help) if necessary. It sounds to me to be a symptom of a...
  13. melsc

    Which occupation makes more money?

    Its not an easy question to answer, why not look at seek at the types of jobs and salaries on offer. Seriously I can't say it enough, do what interests you...
  14. melsc

    What have you eaten today?

    Feels so good to eat what you were craving...I made an awesome tuna salad...lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, avocado, tuna and dressing. Also drinking a coke, been up since 4am (went to the fish markets)
  15. melsc

    UAC and uni sites cut-offs

    Put it down but have a back up preference
  16. melsc

    Off unsw law by 0.15 whats the chances of getting in?

    I wouldn't take it that far, its a bit unfair on the rest of us, suggests we have done a substandard degree, we all have to do the priesly 11 after all.
  17. melsc

    Off unsw law by 0.15 whats the chances of getting in?

    Some students will get over it, others won't. The reality is that uni's like UWS work their students hard to try and improve their image. Some employers care but I know some awesome students at MQ that got killer cherkships. It sucks that people care when generally you do the same subjects...
  18. melsc

    For those who did get laptops for uni

    My writing isn't any worse, it was just as bad. I find having a laptop beneficial
  19. melsc

    Off unsw law by 0.15 whats the chances of getting in?

    I am aware of why they act that way, I'm going into my fifth year of law I am aware of how much stock people put into prestige And to be fair, if you had been on here as long as us you'd get sick of reading the same questions and making the same comments over and over again
  20. melsc

    UWS law/com.. which campus?

    Seriously, whichever is closer. Paramatta is nice and has all you need.