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  1. D

    What Marks Do You Need to get 95+

    What Marks Do You Need to get 95+ in subjects... like HSC mark etc etc and assessment to get 95+ UAI? Do you have to get 95+ as well?
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    Help Please Urgent Standard or Advanced

    This is very urgent, I have got to decide by today... I have been offered to be promoted from Standard to Advanced English. What should i do?' Currently, first in English and having a paranoia of not coming the top part of Advanced? My mark in Standard is about 83 with the average about...
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    Teacher's Bullshit or Sam's bullshit?

    Your link doesn't work?
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    Subject Selections + Scaling

    But I really enjoy Ancient so I think I might keep it, and theres no work in it at all, but I thought Senior Science was capped or soemthing that you can only get a certain mark no matter how high you get?
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    School Captains - bonus points??

    What about being a prefect or house prefect...?
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    What is the subject that you got the highest mark in?

    First In General Maths!!!! (would be if i did it) WOOOOOO
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    Subject Selections + Scaling

    Hey. need some help please. I honestly did not know that scaling plays such an important role in the UAI... Stupid I know, but can anyone advise me what I should do... This was in Prelim I do Economics = Above average (would be near top, if I didn't screw up in two of the assessments) Maths...
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    Teacher's Bullshit or Sam's bullshit?

    Oh. Is there a list on this site around of the capped subjects?
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    Teacher's Bullshit or Sam's bullshit?

    What do you mean by capped? I have no idea -_- But I was just playing around with Senior Science and if I had a mark of 75 it meant scaled 36.8? That's like whatever mark you get half it, and thats your scaled score? Would it be better if I kept Modern or Chemistry (drop one and not take up...
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    Teacher's Bullshit or Sam's bullshit?

    Ok.. According to teacher's scaling affects only those in the middle, those at the top are pretty much exempt from scaling... so what is the top? According to SAM a 95 in Senior Sciene is worth 78? Is this true? Cus I am definetly not doing Senior Sciene if that is the case... If you get a...
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    Matrix,Prior,Alpha Omega,TIPPS,Compass,James Ann,Pre Uni,Talent100,Private,Other

    Yea but self study only works in topics that exclude any form of Maths or formulae i.e. Maths, Chemistry and Physics. But on self study, I know someone in my school who is topping every subject he does and he don't go tutoring (the subjects aren't mathsy or sciencey though)
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    Do teachers teach?

    No wonder my Science teacher don't teach -_-
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    prior which teacher?

    Umm. I don't know, my friend keeps asking me to go to Prior but I find it -_- Since his marks aren't the best. I know my marks are terrible, but I don't think Prior helps too much...