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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Uni fees impose no financial burden until you have a secure job. Living costs while studying are a far more important issue. I quite like the recent senate inquiry's recommendation that all students who move away from home be given $10k pa. I don't see why those still at home should receive...
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    MyZone - New public transport ticketing

    Meh.... I have to buy number 1 and number 2 bus tickets instead of blue and brown. Still no smart card or anything - waste of time IMO
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    School parking:S

    There are enough cars in this country without unproductive students using them
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    apple i-pad for uni?

    Can you write on it with a stylus? Does it have handwriting recognition?
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    I know how to fix the abo problem

    All economically viable rural communities in Australia are based on mining, agriculture or tourism. Many of these indigenous communities have no resources, little fertile land and nothing to see/do there... without welfare there is no possibility of them having access to modern stuff like...
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    'My School' website launched

    Why is there no provided analysis of change in performance from yr 7 to yr 9? I also think the NAPLAN tests are a much better indicator of student performance than the HSC, as noone studies for them and they directly reflect intelligence and what a student has retained from class
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Most Australian families have the expectation that kids should leave between 18-20... and no, not just bogans
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    Should people who take illegal drugs be denied welfare?

    The point of welfare is also to keep the people who don't receive it happier through lower crime, less homelessness etc
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    What do you hate about USyd

    The Italian cafe on the other side of the courtyard is way better than subway
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    NEW Info on Usyd Law transfer!

    ^^^ I disagree... ACCT 1a/1b are perfect for cramming. It's easy to do well by memorising logical methods, applied with basic maths. ECON courses are much harder to cram for - the last questions require a thorough knowledge, and would be difficult even with the textbook in the exam room. But...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Why do you make the assumption that parents should be expected to financially support adult children? Sure, Centrelink tries to push this idea that the financial age of independence is 25 (22 if the new legislation passes through parliament) but where in society is this supported? *Our parents...
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    Battle of the Broadband Providers!!!

    Someone with this attitude should not be signing up to a cheap ISP. We did everything online, and their email tech support can process any request straight away (e.g. when i wanted to get TPG mobile, didn't have to ring/sign anything).
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    Looking for a laptop that likes being used over 10 hours a day..?

    Surely if your main goal is longevity, you should look for a laptop with no graphics card, as big as possible (so the components aren't squashed together), and a really good fan. Slim computers like apple laptops/mini pcs are prone to overheating etc which may become a problem if continuously...
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    Is having sex with children necessarily wrong?

    Many married Ancient Greek men had young boys/teens to screw in addition to their wives. It wouldn't have physically hurt the boys badly, and as the boys became men they would get their own boys to screw. I don't see how a bit of physical pain at first could lead to massive mental problems...
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    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    The worst thing is how they increase cabin temp to get everyone to fall asleep; its horrid, I feel like I'm stuck in a furnace. There are free blankets; it should stay cold for the whole flight. Taking off shoes/belts is annoying too.
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    Best place you've been?

    Cambodia is beautiful, they also have some of the best food I've ever eaten
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    Flying alone.

    I went overseas alone (was meeting my parents in a ski resort) in Jan and both connections screwed up significantly; I ended up being stranded by myself for about 3 days in various Asian/North American airports and hotels without being able to contact my parents except eventually via email...
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    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    No prizes for guessing what Abbott's stance on this will be :( I thought the ALP was meant to be a progressive party
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    RTA/RACV/RACQ etc: The ultimate nanny-state agencies?

    Yeah cos 1 word posts end a debate just like that Read this, its not clear cut at all Is speed really a killer?