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    BreadTop anyone?

    Asian imitations of French patisseries and bakeries are never as good as the real deal, especially in the case of franchises.
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    Whites: Do you often have to deal with latent racism?

    Lots of immigrants think white Aussies are lazy and dumb, after looking at the demographics of their coaching college and selective school The Chinese and Indian restaurants established in areas where lost of white people live are characterised by deep fried everything and mild, sugary dishes...
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    Is it morally wrong to break the law?

    I don't think there's a definite link between morals and the law. E.g. The majority of Australians would probably vote NO in a referendum to prosecute for online file sharing; even though consuming media created by others for free is morally wrong in some aspects. The law is what people want...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Get rid of means testing; replace it with an inheritance tax for YA recipients If you want to claim financial independence from parents, you shouldn't be able to do it half-heartedly
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    If there really are people who think like this, then I think we should do everything possible to encourage them not to have kids... they would be truly shocking parents. Official views does not by default = those of the majority of Catholics. You would struggle to find anyone supporting your...
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    Climategate: Scientists caught red handed falsifying data

    Why is there no concrete verdict/in depth but concise analysis readily available for the public to look at (without reading biased media articles/going in depth into research papers?) My view is based on my trust for the incredibly intelligent science staff at high school (most with PhDs) - who...
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    Australian Politics

    Does the Liberal party not realise that climate change is the single biggest issue facing the human race? I think Malcomn Turnbull is brilliant as well; however too rich and arrogant to ever be PM. He'll do a fantastic job keeping Rudd on his toes however, hopefully until the end of Rudd's...
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    What should my 2nd job be?

    ^^^^ Tax is based on total income - doesn't matter how many jobs you have. The tax system is structured such that there is always a good financial reason to work more (unless on YA) --- Restaurants that are only open at night are pretty rare - and night shifts start at 5:30-6, around the same...
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    Your first post on this page was rather convincing. This one, however, is laughable. Do you really think that straight people's major life goal is to engage in society's "most valuable relationship" and that children are incidental to fulfilling this incredible desire to get married? But...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    But we are talking about public universities, where the profit motive is absent. All extra money is put straight back into degree programs/research. Before HECS, "college tuition" (are you American?) was free - I'm doubtful that the real cost of education provision has changed however; the only...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Well then we must have a guarantee of tax cuts for the highest income bracket (which we will hopefully be in post-uni) as well as near interest-free loans if we are to accept Ms Gillard's proposed changes.
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    So we agree that 'income smoothing' is a good thing. However I certainly do not agree that it can be left to the private financial sector to facilitate. Look at old age... there are alarmingly few self funded retirees at the moment, with a huge amount of pensioners. Why? Because the savings...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Need I remind you that something like 10-20% of Australians are net transfer payment recipients? It's predominantly high income earners subsidising the lifestyles of those on welfare.
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Exactly right - thanks for clarifying my POV so well As for taxation, my youth allowance (and my age pension) should come out of the tax that I will pay during my working life. This is just a continuation of the notion that I am a distinct financial entity. This is the basic premise; any...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    This is a ridiculous over-simplification. A lot of rich parents simply refuse to give their children spending money, in the belief that turning 18 implies a responsibility to attain financial independence. In addition, high income earners often pay very high rents/mortgage repayments and can...
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    Frequent Flyer Programs

    That's another thing with QF - the person who flies gets the points, not the person who pays. Great if your company is paying, but not good for FF parents paying for their kids.
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    How does that make my arguments wrong? If everyone's a uni grad, then your whole workforce is more productive, leading to economic growth. You can never have too much education. Perhaps it would be different if the increase in graduates had come about through the dumbing down of uni courses -...
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    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    Youth Allowance should without qualification be available to ALL students. Two arguments support this notion: 1. What does the Government want/what does Australia need for consistent economic growth as all low skilled jobs are replaced by technology or moved offshore? Answer: An extremely...
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    Calls to lift legal drinking age to 19

    I reckon it should be lowered - its horrible finishing school at 17; when all the HSC parties and stuff are 18+ However, I also think its pretty bad turning 18 just before the HSC You should be allowed to drink when you finish the HSC, or 19 - whichever comes first. This system would be a...
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    The public behaviour of youths of 'middle-eastern appearance'

    I also live in Bondi and second the OPs comments. Another example; last night a large group of 'middle eastern' teenagers sitting on the platform at Bondi Junction station - smoking (without regard for the law nor all the other people around them). They often smoke on the beach as well, which...