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  1. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    I'm embarrassed for her. PM targets 'men in blue ties' Abortion by the way is a state issue.
  2. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    pretty desperate.
  3. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    It's not too late at all. see e.g. Barnett or Hawke. He 100% will take the job if Gillard is persuaded to go. (Yes, he does think he can win)
  4. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

  5. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Tomorrow's Oz:
  6. Rafy

    Local Government referendum

    For the record this passed the house 134-2 (Jensen and Hawke voting against)
  7. Rafy

    How many seats do you predict federal Labor will have in the 2013 election?

    Indeed. The ALP have not led in any Nielsen poll at all this term, not one, which is unprecedented. Since the carbon tax was announced years ago they have not led in any polls taken by Newspoll, Nielsen, Galaxy or Essential Research.
  8. Rafy

    How many seats do you predict federal Labor will have in the 2013 election?

    If an election was held now I think somewhere in the low 50s. 100 days is a long time however. It's too early to make an objective assessment on how election day will turn out. Certainly I think Labor will lose, it's a question of by how much and that'll be largely be determined by what...
  9. Rafy

    USYD Strike

    Apparently plans for another strike first week of next semester
  10. Rafy

    Local Government referendum

    At the federal election Australians will also vote in a referendum related to local government. The referendum if passed would amend section 96 of the constitution as follows: Section 96 is currently as follows: As amended, s 96 would be as follows: Do you support or oppose the...
  11. Rafy

    graduated in 2012 HS, what year did I attempt the NSW higher school cert?

    You are overthinking this way too much. You did your HSC in 2012.
  12. Rafy

    Unvaccinated children banned from childcare centres (Sydney Morning Herald)
  13. Rafy

    Biki 'BoredOfStudies' banner dead link

    The login system seems to be functioning normally. Does it come up with an error message? What happens when you try to login to the wiki?
  14. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    yeh no. Tony Abbott budget reply 'the best in decades', says Peter Costello
  15. Rafy

    Manufacturing Industry Assistance - Ford pulls out of Australia

    ugh MPs push to lift imported vehicle prices to protect Australian car industry
  16. Rafy


    NSW Legislative Council have voted against the euthanasia bill 23-13.
  17. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    That GST scare campaign has to be one of the most desperate strategies i've seen in politics. It's just so devoid of facts and substance. A straw man if there ever was one. Can you also please provide a citation for your post sathius005.
  18. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    The parties always stack out the public galleries with their supporters during the budget/budget reply. Abbott's speech was greeted with constant applause. Last month's Nielsen poll was very generous for the coalition and was an obvious outlier result, hence the inevitable correction. There's...