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  1. Rafy

    USYD Strike Students in a lecture all begin chanting 'Get Out' to protesters trying to disrupt their class. Brilliant.
  2. Rafy

    Can someone tell me what they put for the ECON1001 Quizz?? thats due today 5pm????

    Re: Can someone tell me what they put for the ECON1001 Quizz?? thats due today 5pm??? No.
  3. Rafy

    USYD Strike
  4. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Gary Gray joins the Cabinet as Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for Tourism and Minister for Small Business. A-G Mark Dreyfus adds Special Minister of State and Minister for the Public Service and Integrity. Jason Clare joins Cabinet as a full member while retaining his current...
  5. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Human Services Minister Kim Carr also resigning.
  6. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Resources Minister Martin Ferguson has resigned.
  7. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    "Mr Rudd wishes to make 100 per cent clear to all members of the parliamentary Labor party, including his own supporters, that there are no circumstances under which he will return to the Labor party leadership in the future," Mr Rudd's spokesman said.
  8. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Chris Bowen has resigned from the ministry. Gillard has said this morning she expects more resignations. Likely to be a wide ranging reshuffle.
  9. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Talk that Gillard will sack Chris Bowen and Kim Carr from the ministry. Many Rudd backers quite angry at Rudd. They put themselves on the line for him and he left them exposed. Many now out of their jobs. Any caucus support he had managed to build is going to evaporate. According to Hartcher...
  10. Rafy

    Is it true that it is technically "week 4" at USYD???

    No, it is 100% week 3. Your timetable just seems to have omitted that those tutes ran in week 2.
  11. Rafy

    Is it true that it is technically "week 4" at USYD???

    If you look at the central timetable both those subjects ran all their tutes in week 2.
  12. Rafy

    Is it true that it is technically "week 4" at USYD???

    It's week 3. Why would it technically be 4?
  13. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Not literally. The term 'frontbench' usually includes parliamentary secretaries. It's a term analogous with the ministry. Parl Secs are members of the ministry and members of the Executive Council.
  14. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Fitzgibbon has resigned from his position of Chief Government Whip and Husic and Saffin have resigned as whips.
  15. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Richard Marles has resigned from the front bench Reshuffle required with Crean gone also.
  16. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    There's a theory going around that he was actually acting for Gillard in order to flush Rudd out before he gained the numbers.
  17. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Rudd has still said he's completely willing to be drafted. It's not over at all.
  18. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Gillard and Swan reelected unopposed.
  19. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    What a shambles that was.