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  1. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    AFR's Marcus Preist has a good point.
  2. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Oakeshott, Windsor and Wilkie voted with the Opposition. The motion was always going to fail because of pairs meaning there couldnt be an absolute majority, so i presume the independents were sending the ALP a warning message.
  3. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    She's pretty much gone unless she can win a decisive victory. A narrow victory will still fatally wound her. I can't see her getting anything like the numbers of the spill last year. Sportsbet: Who will win the next Labor leadership ballot Kevin Rudd 1.10 Julia Gillard 6.00
  4. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Abbott moving a no confidence motion.
  5. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Strange QT. She's almost enjoying herself. Perhaps resigned to her fate? Malcolm Farr ‏@farrm51 1m PM Gillard has sacked Simon Crean ahead of the 4.30 l'ship vote.
  6. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Gillard has called a spill for 4.30pm.
  7. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Re: 2013 Federal election MPs confirming that a petition is now circulating.
  8. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    Re: 2013 Federal election Certainly will be an interesting QT.
  9. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    It's on. Simon Crean calls for a spill of all leadership positions. Will stand for deputy. Ball now in Gillard's court. If she does not call a vote, there will be a caucus petition circulated to force a caucus meeting. UPDATE: Gillard has called a spill for 4.30pm.
  10. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    The government has pulled the media reform bills.
  11. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Rudd supporters have apparently confirmed to Laurie Oakes that they are now actively counting the numbers and will challenge on Friday if the numbers are there.
  12. Rafy

    USYD Strike

    NTEU votes in favour of two day strike at usyd on 26-27 March (Tues/Wed of Week 4)
  13. Rafy

    New Pope

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina. Regnal name will be Francis I
  14. Rafy

    USYD Strike

    Word is almost everybody is crossing the picket lines.
  15. Rafy

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread 2013

    Re: USYD Info - What do YOU want included?
  16. Rafy

    What should we call our Phd teachers and Masters/Bach teachers

    I've never called any academic or tutor by anything other than their first name.
  17. Rafy

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread 2013

    Generally not, but check your timetable. It will say what weeks the class is on.
  18. Rafy

    Elite Sport Funding
  19. Rafy

    O-Week Meat 2013: Down the Manning Hole

    The Facebook event is not visible to me. Can somebody confirm details of this.