Search results

  1. braindrainedAsh

    'Talent and drive, but no money? Forget uni' (The Age)

    If nobody was rural, then Australia's economy would suffer. I get so sick of hearing city people slag off at country people... fuck, a major part of our economy relies on agricultural exports... people live there for a reason, but they don't recieve decent services. Try and find a bank in half...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Chances of combini a communications degree with International Studies after 1st yr???

    It's pretty easy to get a transfer in to international studies after first year. You don't actually start the international studies componant of the course until second year, so you won't even miss anything if you get in to it after first year. As for grades, UTS communications is ungraded in...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    UTS Events

    Yeah but it is only beer, and red and white wine, no spirits you have to pay for those. And it usually is goon bag quality wine. But still... plus there is live music and food. Yay it's tomorrow night now!
  4. braindrainedAsh

    UTS Events

    The UTS Resball is on Friday, and it's the place to be! Housing kiddies know how to party! Open bar from 6.30pm till midnight. Nibbles, entertainment, all for an uber cheap $35. The theme is Vegas! Yeah baby been waiting all year for ressies ball!
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Andrew Olle Media Lecture: John Doyle

    Yeah why isn't that bit in the transcript
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Andrew Olle Media Lecture: John Doyle

    I watched the TV broadcast last night and it was excellent, read the trasncript or listen to it if you can. So funny how I could see some of the UTS Journalism staff in the audience though. John Doyle was very insightful as well as witty- you could see he was a bit nervous though I reckon, but...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Anyone done exchange in the US?

    Yeah but it's not where you are at, it's who you are with. I can have just as much fun in my home town where there are just a couple of pubs as I can in the city where there are hundreds. Pubs are essentially the same everywhere anyway lol. Beer. Music. People. I would say that regional...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    'Talent and drive, but no money? Forget uni' (The Age)

    The one thing that I don't understand, and maybe someone can explain it to me because I am not an economist by any means, is why we once could offer university for heaps cheaper prices or free, and this was before our intake of international students grew to such high levels.... hence shouldn't...
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Introductions and Conclusions

    Intros and conclusions are common problems in essays in many subjects, especially history. Often people barely write an introduction, especially if they are ordering their essay chronologically. You need to indicate in the introduction what your argument is. E.g. if the question is to what...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Social Inquiry

    With journalism, I would only study it if you think you want to be a journalist. From second year it's very vocationally focused. You have electives, but you have to do journalism production subjects and if you don't want to be a journalist it will be somewhat useless. Only pick journalism if...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Porpholios ... anyone got any ideas o.0?

    I don't know what you would put in it but it is spelt portfolio.
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Australian Music Scene

    What about Missy Higgins? And does anyone remember that cool band called Girlfriend? Early 90's. Also what about the Wiggles, Hi 5 and the Hooley Dooleys? I also think you missed John Farnham, and John Williamson. Also that guy that plays the wobble board and sings tie me kangaroo down...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    'Talent and drive, but no money? Forget uni' (The Age)

    The trouble is in regional areas it is hard to find work a lot of the time even if you defer for a year, I have friends who are unemployed/underemployed at the moment and it certainly isn't because they haven't tried hard to find work. So you either move to the city where your ability to save...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    'Talent and drive, but no money? Forget uni' (The Age)

    I think that increasing HECS has added to the "elistism" factor of universities, but I don't think HECS is the biggest cost barrier. Living costs if you have to move away are huge so that is hard for people from regional areas, plus centrelink income support has not changed significantly...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Dance Studio Locations

    Sydney Dance co have some great Hip Hop classes at all levels. Also Dance Central have good classes as well but I have never done their hip hop classes. They are both in the city. For Latin I think there is a place on Broadway down near Glebe Pt Rd intersection but I forget what it is called...
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Residential Colleges...

    I definately know the daunting feeling, I moved from the country myself. I still remember that moment watching my family's car drive away down Broadway and me thinking "there are millions of people in this city and I don't know a single one of them... shit". But even though I live in uni...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Residential Colleges...

    My friend is at New and it has a strong residential/community life.
  18. braindrainedAsh

    Important Decision

    If you life goal is to be an accountant, I would do the accounting course. UTS has a good reputation for business and accounting, people say $13000 p.a. isn't a lot of money, but I am under the understanding that the scholarship isn't taxed? Hence the scholarship is worth a fair bit more when...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Want a job? Change the subject

    Yeah I don't really think the courses are that useless because I remember when we had school functions the people who did the hospitality/commercial cookery VET used to organize them and do the waiting and cooking and everything and they were always very well done so they must have learnt...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Want a job? Change the subject

    This doesn't surprise me. Not to generalize, but from what I have seen you have to look at the types of students who usually take VET subjects.... they are usually the ones that otherwise would have dropped out in year 10, often lack confidence, aren't very academic, and in some cases are kind...