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  1. Survivor39

    Your HSC Mark

    What do you think you'll get? I think I'll get 55% raw mark. sad..........:( :( :(
  2. Survivor39

    w00t! Eutrophication

    The test should be precipitation tests. At least that's what i put. AAS would have been inappropriate because it only test Cations, not anions.
  3. Survivor39

    I think I failed.

    people, could you please scan the multiple choice and post it for McLanke to do. i don't have a scanner. Thanks people.
  4. Survivor39

    how'd u find it? raw marks?

    You sounded like you wanted to compete with me. But that really isn't my intension. Even a Ruse student is not confident enough to publicise that he/she is going to get 98 Raw (aligned to a higher Exam mark).
  5. Survivor39

    how'd u find it? raw marks?

    well Tele, then Goodluck. But i just want to make the last comment. Which competition is more fierce? 40 students doing the biology in my school? or 5 in your school?
  6. Survivor39

    what if we dont want our marks to appear in the paper?

    May I ask what is actually published in the paper (not the Board Of Studies website). Is it your name and courses that are above or equal to 90? And School? Also I think your name and the Univerisity entery for your course is also published? Like if you get in your course or not.
  7. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    No comment.
  8. Survivor39

    World Idol

    Not 200 million people in theUS like Kelly you know. The Kelly-haters are going to vote someone else. Like 40% of them.
  9. Survivor39

    Industrial Chemistry

    It's out of 3. you get 1 or 2 for the correct method. You can't get full marks.
  10. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    I never say I'm going to get 100.....
  11. Survivor39

    how'd u find it? raw marks?

    I didn't say Tele is NOT a Biologist. But people who usually get 98 (top the state) is from Large selective/non-selective school, not a school with only 5 people in it. All I'm saying is that he hasn't experience what COMPETITION in those large school is like! And now your teacher claims (with...
  12. Survivor39

    I Need Notes

    In that case, it's useless then. Cos all the information from that site is extracted from the Black text book. Thanks anyway.
  13. Survivor39

    I Need Notes

    Where is this? I couyldn't find the section with Society and Culture stuff in it. Could you please post a direct link for me. Thanks
  14. Survivor39


    I think you got something mixed up. Aligning applies to Raw exam marks and HSC marks. Scaling refers to UAI. Which one are you talking about? Your internal assessment mark doesn't really matter. your rank and your relative difference between you and other people matter. Your assessment mark...
  15. Survivor39

    Multiple Choice

    8 must be D because the FIRST stage is NOT to evenly distribute second phases (beta), that is the SECOND step.
  16. Survivor39


    The moderation process is complex. but this is what basically happens. If you ranked first in the class, you will receive the highest exam as your moderated assessment mark. average this mark with YOUR exam mark. Similarly, If you came second in the course, you will receive round the second...
  17. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    You you are hoping that you will lose NO marks at all LEANNE!
  18. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    I believe YOU are the one that is "lost". Your post constituted the word "PRIVATE". In case you don't know, Strathfield Girls' and Burwood Girls' are NOT classified as PRIVATE.
  19. Survivor39

    World Idol

    I'm not voting for Australia's Guy.......
  20. Survivor39

    World Idol

    lol. too expensive! lol I think they will somehow find a special phone line so everyone pay the same amount or something. Or it could be a free call! But you can only call once from one phone or something.