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  1. melsc

    bed head.

    1. I wasn't realy too worried because I am not the kind of person who dresses up and wears a lot of make-up unless its for an occasion so most people have seen me au natural. I was a little worrried but if the guy is decent he shouldn't care. 2. Well some guys might but I think those are the...
  2. melsc


    + 1 Seriously, talking to him is the best idea. Just say that you're not sure exactly how you feel but you want a chance to try it out, promise to treat her well and be nice to her and thats all he'll need. Going out with her without telling him is more likely to end up with him pissed off.
  3. melsc

    What color Braces should I get?

    see what they have and mix it up, I got different ones for a while and then just settled for purples or pinks, the lighter colours are less noticeable but can sometimes take on the colour of what you eat
  4. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Congrats, sounds like you might get a few offers.
  5. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Congrats, I presume it is the result of uber marks, I do remember you doing quite well.
  6. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Yeah, my only worry is they take quite a few
  7. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    also rejected from Freehills, surely must be number crunching for rejections that quick
  8. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    PWC sent me an online test to take, I have been told the Accounting Firms are quick
  9. melsc

    Units on blackboard

    I have some up from last year, I have some that never decide to leave, not sure why
  10. melsc

    Okay seriously help anyone?

    Of course it does, but I don't know how it can be beneficial in the long run, look how this turned out, she found out from someone else. Besides, I wasn't saying that he should of told her (thats up to him really) but why she may be upset. Also just because the OP forgave her doesnt mean she...
  11. melsc

    Okay seriously help anyone?

    Its unfortunate for you that it happened but if I were your girlfriend I would be more annoyed that you are using the alcohol as an excuse. We are all aware that if you get too drunk you will do things you may not otherwise (and if you don't you are not responsible enough to be drinking)...
  12. melsc

    Can Men and Women Be Platonic Friends?

    Its stupid to even ask, as if it is impossible for guys and girls to be friends, yes sometimes one falls for the other but this does not stop people being friends. Also, do you lust/love everyone man/woman you meet?
  13. melsc

    Soy Milk, which tastes best?

    I tried Vita-Soy So Milky today, not too bad! Getting used to the taste too.
  14. melsc

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Applications have closed for the majority of places... I wonder how long before the rejection emails/emails offering an interview come through? I am hoping for Baker and McKenzie or Gilbert + Tobin and then pretty much anyone else. I decided to apply to all to give myself a shot but I'd be...
  15. melsc

    poor circulation

    Seafood and seaweed (as if I needed an excuse to eat it)
  16. melsc

    poor circulation

    I have very cold hands and feet and often feel cold. It is a result of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland). Best bet is to go to the doctor and get some simple blood work done, its always a good start.
  17. melsc

    Anxiety and Class Participation

    You might also try talking to a counsellor, my uni has a free counselling service as I am sure they could teach you some relaxation strategies to deal with the anxiety
  18. melsc

    Anxiety and Class Participation

    Try answering a question you know before being put in the hot seat. Volunteering an answer before being intimidated might help.
  19. melsc

    Have you ever donated blood?

    Have a glass of orange juice or other vitamin c rich food when you eat anthing containing iron (but esp if its a plant source) as it helps you absorb it better. Good luck getting the levels back up, its a constant struggle for me :)
  20. melsc

    Which university is best for law?: The definitive answer

    I don't think its that comparable, how many universties are there in the states and its a different country with different people and bias'. Does it count in the support of UWS stakes that me being a 1/4 UWS 3/4 Mac student has worked someone until they were appointed to the Supreme Court...