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  1. soha

    London Mastermind revealed

    it was obvious they would be pakistani there is a huge pakistani muslim community over there
  2. soha

    Body hair on girls

    the only hair that should be removed is legs... bikini ...mostache ...underarms ...eyebrows if needed ... i dont agree with arm hair..even if its hairy....i think thats a bit extreme
  3. soha

    the OC

    OMG...i just realised today is tuesday..well it was a few minutes ago and i missed o.c im going to cry... can anyone find it in the kindness of their hearts to updat me on what happened tonight from reading this i know marissa shot trey? please???
  4. soha

    being loud and noisy

    silence is golden especially when they are your neighbours and you hear them on a regular basis ...
  5. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do?

    ive asked a jewish friend of mine they said we dont rip each otehr off like thou shall not rip of thy brother thats what they told me but they werent being serious.. but its one way to look at it
  6. soha

    London Explosion

    ok if i rephrase it to 4 major attacks..will that make u believe that i do care? reguardless of how i put it im still going to have the same view..wether it was one stupid thing..or 4 huge things..or 4 horrific incidents its still going to be the same thing im referring to and im still going...
  7. soha

    London Explosion

    well you cna judge me based on this stupid forum but u will never know whats really in my heart and my mind whats going on through my life and how all this has impacted me what i really feel and what it all means dont know me and i feel worse about it all more then you know...
  8. soha

    London Explosion

    am i the confused poor child?
  9. soha

    London Explosion

    so?..islam is still the fastest growing religon these days and estimated by 2012 to outnumber christianity and become 1.6billion as apposed ot 1.35 billion atm i find it interesting that even tho terrorism occurs by these so called muslims, people dont let one stupid thing determine their...
  10. soha

    London Explosion

    its funny because after these events especially 9/11 so many people were interested in knowing why islam was attackign them..what is islam..who are these peopel and what do they think? all this research resulted in 40 000 people converting and accepting islam in one year in america alone...
  11. soha

    john williams concert

    are we talking orchestra musical dude?
  12. soha

    john williams concert

    fuck you everyone here is such a bitch hes usually a nasty prick to when he says hi..i say err hi got a problemo? deal with it!
  13. soha

    john williams concert

    er hi breaking !
  14. soha

    London Explosion

    well thats not islamic im muslim and my God doenst tell me to kill anyone or do any of that shit so its not a muslim thing...just making it clear
  15. soha

    john williams concert

    who is john william?
  16. soha

    London Explosion

    their God never told them to
  17. soha

    complete this sentence pt 2

    a part of life
  18. soha

    complete this sentence

    lol...thats not true well lets hope not
  19. soha

    complete this sentence

    a part of life
  20. soha

    London Explosion

    wow this thread is on fire i post one thing and then already 6 people have posted within seconds