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  1. soha

    London Explosion

    bullshit according to soha soha never said america deserves everythign she gets but i said what goes around comes around that doesnt mean anyoen deserves it its just the way it goes i have family in america and in london and people i know and care about effecting by these "acts of...
  2. soha

    London Explosion

    lol just like that..claimed repsonsibility within seconds of the attack.. remind sme of sep 11 where they already had their suspects and shit and all their evidence all ready to show us..just half an hour after sep 11 i think its suss
  3. soha

    London Explosion

    ok is it confirmed muslim terrorists? how do we know its not a bunch of white people or asians or indians? everyone is jumping to conclusions talking about...islam this and jihad and terrorist and i know 20 muslims...and what they have against westerners but where is the evidence that its...
  4. soha

    London Explosion

    i can justify it because such is life this shit happens..unfortunately and thats what i believe anyways im not saying that uk deserved it but neitehr do innocent civilians everywhere else around the world
  5. soha

    London Explosion

    yeah but saudia arabia is like where mecca is its very important to muslims muslim nations will never let westerners step foot there trust me
  6. soha

    London Explosion

    they're already bumchumbs with america they will never go against eachother
  7. soha

    London Explosion

    well sometimes you get what you give and what goes around comes around... how many people have died or been injured or whatever?
  8. soha

    13 year old's jail sentence cut in half

    13..shit thats way too young to be doing stuff like that not that any age is acceptable..but a 13 year old..dam thats like my little sister thats really sad as for the penalty..its better then nothign at all
  9. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    im not going to inspect it but i will know where he is ok i talking about..this topic is getting to me
  10. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    well i will find him there..remember im the UN spy..or whatever the fuck he is on about
  11. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    yes yes i am..which is why i am willing to hide really i cna take u back to the un and you can be one of us this is the real comitee im talking about now u know the real plans etc etc wtf r u on about.. lol
  12. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    yeah neither do i
  13. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    well such is life
  14. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    um i think i can hide you from the united nations but why are u on the run?
  15. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    lmao i was comforting you...there there..its okay...i dont have to be the leader of this comitee you speak of
  16. soha


    im about to dye my hair with red hennah how exciting.. that is all
  17. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    there there...
  18. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    yes i am ```` and its working ..i can see it now
  19. soha

    Guys: How many pairs of jeans/pants do you own and wear?

    ok i believed you up until this point
  20. soha

    Most Beautiful Women

    that pic or whatever isnt working..not 4 me neways