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  1. S

    Question on Result

    I'm assuming he's talking about the Talented Students Program that the University of Sydney offers,
  2. S

    Question on Result

    From the UAC statistics (one of which is found here at, 10% of the course candidature in extension 2 mathematics got 95/100 or more, which is around 300 students in 2007. For the first question, it really depends on your level of talent and...
  3. S

    Consequences of relativity theory

    The general theory of relativity isn't covered in the HSC syllabus, only the special theory of relativity.
  4. S

    Unis sending prospectus

    Hmm, what was included in your prospectus? I did receive information from UNSW about their Combined Law program (My UAI was above their cutoff), but I'm not sure if what they sent me was the prospectus you are talking about.
  5. S

    Does your subject impact on your UAI results?

    No, I was talking about the post before my previous post, post number 27 in this thread :p The part I quoted there should have Advanced and Standard English swapped, because it takes a higher raw exam mark in Standard to get the same aligned mark as in Advanced, that is all :)
  6. S

    Does your subject impact on your UAI results?

    Not exactly what you said in that little section I quoted in my above post, what you said is actually the opposite of what actually happens with raw exam marks and aligned HSC marks for Standard and Advanced. However, it is true that a 70 aligned HSC exam mark in Standard requires a...
  7. S

    Does your subject impact on your UAI results?

    Point 4 of the section I quoted states that: In other words, the same raw exam mark in Standard and Advanced English would align to different HSC exam marks, with Advanced students receiving a higher aligned mark than Standard English students. So a raw exam mark that would give an aligned...
  8. S

    Acceleration of HSC subjects

    I know of a few schools that have allowed students to accelerate 2 unit maths in year 11, without doing the preliminary course in year 10. It's a cramped workload, but it is manageable (having done it myself for 2 years, 2 unit maths in year 10 and extension 1 maths in year 11), but it really...
  9. S

    Does your subject impact on your UAI results?

    While there are differences in the raw marks that are needed to attain the same HSC exam mark in Standard and Advanced English (generally, a higher raw exam mark in Standard is needed to attain the same aligned HSC exam mark as you would get in Advanced), it is the raw marks themselves that are...
  10. S

    Scaling FAQ

    I'll try to answer the questions as well as I can. 1) From what I've read, yes, the raw HSC mark is the average of the raw exam mark and the moderated school assessment mark that is calculated for the student. 2) The aligned mark they are referring to here is the HSC exam mark that you are...
  11. S

    Does your subject impact on your UAI results?

    To quote from another UAC source on this subject (the paper can be found at In short, Advanced and Standard English are scaled the same (as in the same raw exam mark will give the same scaled aggregate mark), the apparent anomaly...
  12. S

    Official UAI Results

    I didn't try (much) :o
  13. S

    actus reus

    Re: Anyone want to form a study group? Umm, no.
  14. S

    Has anyone received EAS points for Macq/UNSW yet?

    Not much, I received those points as well, but we're both going for a course at a different university, so no real difference anyway.
  15. S

    State Rankings

    I doubt if the Board of Studies releases any state rankings other than the ones they have already released.
  16. S

    How many hrs per night?

    Congrats! :) Nah, I'm sure you deserved it, you would've done a lot more work than me, so it paid off in the end for you :uhhuh:
  17. S

    Estimated scaling for accelerants?

    Hmm, I'm assuming you want the scaled mark that those marks correlate to for the UAI this year, and according to the UAC scaling report, the 2 unit HSC maths mark correlates to a scaled mark of 41.7/50, so around 83.4/100 towards your UAI aggregate, while for the extension mark, the 45 would...
  18. S

    How many hrs per night?

    Sounds pretty good, from my position I would've followed something similar to this if I actually did some schoolwork last year. What UAI did you get in the end? :)
  19. S

    How many hrs per night?

    I never managed to do more than 2 hours of study per day except when I was cramming for an exam or assessment. Even during stuvac I really did not get much study done at all, not until around 4 days before the first english paper. 2-3 hours a night was recommended by our school and around 3-4...