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  1. Survivor39

    The 2003 HSC exam - The mod's opinion

    What do you mean? Please explain. I am in a public school.
  2. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    I wrote 4 and a half. I got too much stuff to mention.
  3. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    We never know our raw mark. But usually raw marks are lower.
  4. Survivor39

    The Very Last Exam

    Shut up idiot. I am happy that this subject is last so I don't have crammed my studying together. So who's the sucker now?? If you have nothing better to say, please remove yourself from this harmonious S+C forum.
  5. Survivor39

    Top Marks In ESL

    Just a few fact to comfort people doing ESL. The highest mark in 2002 HSC is 95/100 from Burwood Girls' The highest mark in 2001 HSC is 95.8/100 from Stratfield Girls' Looks like this year is going to be a girl too... :) :D :( Remember, they are aligned HSC marks, NOT raw mark...
  6. Survivor39


    This is due to the fact that ESL students are not as academically strong as some other subjects.
  7. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    No more.
  8. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    I am totally clear on my side of the argument. I saw the evidence on the speech side, and I accepted it. So one could deduced that a Speech is also correct. We should adjourn this discussion.
  9. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    I already provided insightful evidence on a number of other threads. Go through them and see why so it can be an interview transcript and a speech. There is no use that you keep arguing that an interview transcript is incorrect when we both knew that this text type is more than reasonable...
  10. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    Yes, it does. If an Interview/Raio transcript is correct, then there is no need at all to drag on about an interview text type is incorrect.
  11. Survivor39

    2003 Mathematics Paper is Standard??

    When you read over the paper quickly, it SEEMS comparable to last years... But this is what REALLY happen when you DO it! From a 2 Unit student's perspective. STAGE ONE: Question 1 to Question 4. Yes, it's easy. No problem at all. Thinking I am going to get 95+ at least. STAGE TWO...
  12. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    What?? Are you delibrately contradicting yourself? Or are you not realising you are deeply trapped in your self dilemma?? Just THINK about what you've said piccaninny.
  13. Survivor39

    Did everyone got their PIP back?

    My teacher has got our PIPs, but i haven't gone back to get mine yet.
  14. Survivor39

    pip ideas

    hmmm.. Why is Asian parents place so much emphasis on the HSC? OR How is law the driving force of change? OR Why is selective school place so much emphasis on HSC results? OR Is it too much Reality TV already? OR Why is Australian so good at sport? OR Queen or Independence - The...
  15. Survivor39

    Did everyone got their PIP back?

    Did everyone got their PIP back? Anyone got a certificate of distinction or something attached to it? Or is it like brand new as if it was never touched?
  16. Survivor39

    what would be raw mark 4 band6??

    what about 70's and 80's?? Whar raw mark? I think i got 75/120....
  17. Survivor39

    Maths - I hope it's NOT going to count...

    I am a 2U person.....I don't do any extension courses.
  18. Survivor39

    Maths - I hope it's NOT going to count...

    Well, I did bad.....Maybe 75/120 raw. I am sad, very sad indeed. I thought my effort over the four days studying will help me getting a reasonable mark. But.......That's life. I am hoping that Maths won't be counted in my best 10 Units.
  19. Survivor39

    How many pages.....?

    How do they know that? It's not being marked yet!
  20. Survivor39

    English For Study Question - Good or Bad?

    I know, I know.... everyone who did the English for study question is complaining about how unfair the question was. Nothing in the question is relevant to studying strategies. So ....It wasted our time studying for the whole module..... No one was expected this question. And that is the...