Search results

  1. braindrainedAsh

    Official UTS Documents Required

    When I got youth allowance I didn't need any of this stuff, I just told them my student number then I think they contacted UTS for the info. Maybe cos they had uSyd instead when they tried to contact the institution they obviously didn't have you as a student.... But yeah your HECS...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Who is worse...?

    The telegraph is not as bad as Today Tonight and ACA.... it is better if people have at least some grasp of the issues rather than no clue at all.
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Retail or Filing?

    LOL it's so funny how it is better off not to work more than a certain amount of hours when you are on YA.... it's so funny as well when you have to try and explain it to people.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Retail or Filing?

    I would say try something new if you can't do both at once. You will never know if you never give it a go.
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Razor wire coming down at Villawood Does anyone think this is a bit of tokenism designed to deflect the heat and stop the "behind the razor wire" metaphor being used continually? There seems little point to this at all.
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Public Schools: where have all the boys gone?

    Ah.... Peer Support leading. We were the first year to do it, so the teachers didn't really have a clue and neither did we. Fun times. And we went to some camp in the bush for our training but all we wanted to do was run around and use the flying fox.
  7. braindrainedAsh

    My student admin problem??

    Ugh I wish you could change tut allocations now, but mine won't let me.... I have an uber boring tutor for one subject.
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Crusader seeks Tamagotchi ban

    I think my sis has one of the new tamagotchis (she couldn't believe that when I was at school I witnessed the first tamagotchi craze.... she was annoyed because I hadn't kept my vintage tamagotchi lol)... Personally I don't think it is that big a deal. I mean you are exposed to gambling on...
  9. braindrainedAsh

    A New Flag

    Unusually on the flag issue I personally think we should just stick with what we have. It is part of our national identity and to change it would simply be a massive government waste of money, they should spend that money on the hospitals or the universities instead. There is nothing really...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Bush's Creationism in schools remarks

    Mathmite, you have got Darwin's theory of natural selection confused with Social Darwinism (which came later, and is an entirely different thing). You really need to get your facts straight before you start ranting. The original "pure" ideology of evolution was taken out of context and...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Are commerce/business degrees replacing arts degrees?

    Arts degrees are useful in a variety of ways, and in recent times we have seen more and more "specialized" or "unique" types of arts degrees pop up (Communications/Media, International Studies, Bach of Arts and Sciences, arts management, even Liberal Studies which incorporates some business and...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    For size 14+ girls

    I mean, it's equally bad when people say girls are "way too skinny" when it is just their natural body shape, people should just accept people for who they are. Ugh and half the time when they have those "oh lets put someone bigger than a size 10 in our magazine" photo shoots, the person is a...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    Uni Cheap Eats Guide

    Oh also there is the Lansdowne... $5 meals.
  14. braindrainedAsh

    First week whinging!

    Don't knock boho.... I was in to boho before cosmo was. But I also have ended up in tuts/subjects without any of my friends :( which sucks a bit. I mean, being with them for at least one class would have been nice, that was the case for me last semester and it was good. Plus we all got...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Macquarie or UTS? (in business degrees)

    If only they did... imagine how great that would be.....
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Uni Cheap Eats Guide

    Also near UTS (and close to USyd too) -Tender Grill (UniLodge Food Court, the block before Broadway S.C)- Hamburger/Chicken burger/Veggie burger with a can of drink, $3.50 + other cheap deals. -You can also get some cheap Thai and Malaysian in that UniLodge food court ($4 for a small...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    costume help anyone???

    For a cheap material maybe try dancetime satin? It's usually fairly cheap.
  18. braindrainedAsh

    The Amazing Race 7

    Ugh sounds a bit crap, what are they going to do, theme parks of the world?
  19. braindrainedAsh

    The Amazing Race 7

    What, do they have to bring their kids along?
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Today Tonight

    Meh. It's TT. What do you expect? And if you want to get a taste of Naomi Robson's real personality, listen to the track of her swearing at the autocue man. It circuated around the net, I'm sure you could google it.