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  1. cssftw

    how much do you think you got?

    just counted the marks.... about 65-70/120 FUUUUU guess that's a definite E3 at the HSC...
  2. cssftw

    quick question

    FUUUU I couldn't get part (i) and I knew I needed the right answer for (i) to answer part (ii) but I couldn't get part (i) so I just left out part (ii) fuuuuuuck
  3. cssftw

    Study and exam strategies for mx2

    guys prepare for a 35 degree day tomorrow (not too sure on exact temp) btw Q3 how do you graph f(x^2) LOL sorry for breaking the thread subject
  4. cssftw

    2006 & 2008 3u HSC's

    jennings mate, for u to come 7th.... baulko must be ridiculously good.... but james ruse is better.... fuuuckk scared just thinking about it
  5. cssftw

    Should i move to adv english or stay in standard?

    All these ppl saying that standard is the same difficulty as advanced are fucking idiots. Advanced is ADVANCED english -- it encourages a deeper appreciation and understanding of the texts, contextual impact, textual integrity blah blah blah. Standard ---> as long as you know techniques...
  6. cssftw

    For Those Who Are Not Yet Motivated:

    OP I freakin hate you, it took me a weeks worth of depression and consoling advice from numerous friends that fucking up my HSC isn't everything. Even ppl on BoS said the same thing, I was planning on purposely getting bit by a blackhouse spider I found on my window sill so I didn't have to sit...
  7. cssftw

    Ok...I'm going to be honest.... I'm fucked for tomorrow..

    kk just for the purpose of aiding all your revisionz, someone teach me mechanics kgo
  8. cssftw

    Ok...I'm going to be honest.... I'm fucked for tomorrow..

    I dunno mate... I only did one past paper ---> 2008, and got 72/120 for that I dunno if 2008 was an easy paper or someshit, but if 2moro's paper is fucking hard --> then I'd probably be scraping a 50%.... I'm having trouble with Q3's and shit lol... lack of preparation, btw I don't know a drop...
  9. cssftw

    Ok...I'm going to be honest.... I'm fucked for tomorrow..

    "The worst thing you can feel after you finish you HSC is regret" I regret not studying more and doing more past papers... definitely coulda gotten 95 if I worked hard, now I doubt i can get 88 for 4U.. jennings shut up mate, ur a bloody natural genius thats gonna get 99... so don't say ur...
  10. cssftw

    Ok...I'm going to be honest.... I'm fucked for tomorrow..

    So I started studying this morning, but ended up spending half the day doing complex no.s from terry lee. Then and until now, it became too hot to do anything else so I gave up. I'm in a ranked 20 school and ranked 9/34 (yeah I actually worked hard during my assessments lol, excluding my...
  11. cssftw

    Q2(d)(i) 2008 Ext2 -- please explain

    Can someone please explain Q2(d) (i) i know its pathetic to struggle at such an early question, but this is the first time I've met such an early roadblock. So why is it, when you do 0.5(Q+R) --> you get M?? thank you
  12. cssftw

    How is everyone feeling about MX2 lately?

    Did the 2008 paper --> 72/120----> FML, mebbe i oughta let that spider bite me...
  13. cssftw

    Found black house spider in room - should I let it bite me??? (srs)

    ahh problem is that I still have about half a years syllabus to learn for Biology and about 3 topics for ancient history + my exams are on thursday and friday next week -- now that we all know my predicament, anyone still think I should tank it out or take the easy path? Spider is still there...
  14. cssftw

    Found black house spider in room - should I let it bite me??? (srs)

    Srs thread here guys. I'm fucked for the HSC, started studying for it like a week before the english exams.... :S Thing is... my internal ranks aren't horrible, they are like band5-6 ish -- however i predict my external marks being in the band3-4 range. I've been praying and praying for...
  15. cssftw

    What are the chances that financial series will be in the 2011 Ext 1 Maths exam?

    Questions like: An amount $A has is borrowed at r% per annum reducible interest, calculated monthly. The loan is to be repaid in equal monthly installments of $M...... Yeah I really hate financial series, although I haven't seen a question in a HSC exam since the late 90's. Should I still study...
  16. cssftw

    hsc 1997 2b)

    max acceleration occurs when particle is at the end points of motion, i.e. x = 3 or x = -3 you know x'' = -n^2(x) = -4x so sub in x = -3 max acceleration = 12 m/s/s
  17. cssftw

    Mechanics help needed !!

    ahh okay so that explains why x--> infinity, but why does v need to approach 0? i.e. v-->0?
  18. cssftw

    Mechanics help needed !!

    Sorry about this, I'm a little dim-witted in this area -- could you please explain this further if possible (e.g. what do you mean by earth's velocity)?
  19. cssftw

    Mechanics help needed !!

    Hi guys, here's a question from Cambridge 4U EX 7.1 Q9. It is Q9 part (b) where I can not understand what to do. \textup{The force of attraction experienced by a particle of mass }\, \textit{m}\; \textup{at a distance}\, \textit{x}(>r)\, \textup{from the centre O of the earth towards O is}\...