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  1. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    duh? what other school stops you from doing courses you want to do!
  2. N

    subject choosing issues

    Do Buiness Studies because you enjoy it.
  3. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    Yes. It's the first time I hated my school so much!!!!! And its stupid that only one exam determines whether you can do science. I mean, what if you stuffed up that test!!!???!!! There's these people in the grade that got 90% + in the science exam, but they weren't allowed to do science because...
  4. N

    I dunno

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: I dunno Change schools right away!!!! Some schools do not care if you want to do a course. It happened with my school. Some people arent allowed to do any Science SUbjects or Engineering because they didnt do 2 unit Maths, and to do 2 unit maths, you must be in...
  5. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    okay thank you everyone. I'll get the damn thing signed right away! lol I want to do Advanced English, because some courses at uni have a prerequisite to do Advanced not Standard. e.g. the english related ones. The reason I want to apply is because my school is not letting me do Biology...
  6. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    lol I wont go if they make me do standard English. But the question about school stamp. If I cant get my school's stamp, will they still accept my application?
  7. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    Good. So, they force you to take Standard English? 14 units. Okay. Thats good.
  8. N

    General Maths/Mathematics

    It's not hard to drop from 2unit to general, since they are both 2 unit courses. lol Yes. Change to another school. Apply for the schools I'm applying for. lol EDIT: did you just say that you dont like maths? ARRRRGGHHH!!!!
  9. N

    Subject Selection

    I've got a similar subject selection to yours. I'm doing: Maths Ext 1 English Standard :( Chemistry Economics SOR 1 (forced) Ancient History Quite similar right? Yes. I envy those with subject acceleration too. Apparantely, I will get only a few free periods, so I could imagine how many you...
  10. N

    St George Girls High enrolments

    anyone know anything about St George Girls High enrolments? Apparantely it says to include a school stamp on your school reports, but if the school doesn't stamp it, then will they still accept your application? I have a few other questions to ask: 1) Does St George Girls High force you to do...
  11. N

    What's your IQ?

    haha recently scored 142 in another IQ test on
  12. N

    General Maths/Mathematics

    try 2 unit, then drop to general if its hard. EDIT: You never know until you try. you could be improving later on.
  13. N

    Falling asleep in class

    I get 8 hours of sleep everyday. I usually eat till 12 :)
  14. N

    What's your IQ?

    + 1 to above thread.
  15. N

    Can the school stop you from doing a preliminary/hsc course?

    Wow. Your schools seems so nice. They can switch you after the SC. Too bad my school's not like that
  16. N

    Chances of me going to a Selective School (different person)

    haha Id say that you might stand a chance, but it depends on the school you are applying to. You do however stand a chance in a school ranked in the top 100s.
  17. N

    Jumping from standard to advance?

    go back to advanced. Standard English sounds demotivating
  18. N

    does doing standard english mean my life is screwed?

    shit :vcross: Far out man! Should I change schools or something? lol okay. But I heard only 6 people get above 90 uai with standard English, and I hadly doubt Id be one of them. I'm crap at English. No doubt, I'm at the bottom of the state. Does that mean uai 40? :vcross: I'm so screwed
  19. N

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    I find that instead of carrying your bag on your back, carrying it in front of you makes it a whole lot easier. Less hunchback as well lol who's hunchback here?
  20. N

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    everyone.. you should get a locker.