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  1. Yo1anda

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    most arabs in general and not just muslims do not want to marry white people cultures are wayyyyy too different m8
  2. Yo1anda

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    yeah okay but hijab simply means 'cover' so it isnt that out of the question that a nonmuslim man would want his non-muslim wife in one I know an agnostic (born christian orthodox) guy that wants a wife who wears a hijab
  3. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    agreed. bella is worse than edward
  4. Yo1anda

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    hijab is not exclusively muslim. google: "jewish headscarf" "russian orthodox headscarf" mary wore a headscarf etc. to the OP: my parents are muslim and no they wouldnt allow me to bring home a non-muslim but i dont care. I actually think you should have made a thread about...
  5. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    ok lose 10kg [/shane]
  6. Yo1anda

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    she bitched so much that she drove you nuts?
  7. Yo1anda

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    "she turned bi" haha what a fuckwit and yeah i think he is homophobic from a few of his posts ive seen
  8. Yo1anda

    Band shirts

    Tool also have a bob marley hoodie i need nothing else.
  9. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    complete agreement central station peak hour chick looks better than megan fox add her to the list of that which annoys me.
  10. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    stop trying to seduce me
  11. Yo1anda

    What is love ?

    and people wonder why homophobia exists fml
  12. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    yes youve mentioned you like them frail types but its not even about me "___ is too skinny" "megan fox is skinnier and you think shes hot =\" "no she isnt" boys eyes are broken.
  13. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    boys saying a girl is too skinny really fucking shits me
  14. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    oh yes like when i see a hot indian guy i question the meaning of life for days
  15. Yo1anda

    innocent or hot?

  16. Yo1anda

    innocent or hot?

    im being sarcastic dont do that
  17. Yo1anda

    innocent or hot?

    make it about if chix like boys with big muscles and urr big muscles or if they like sensitive ladyboys.
  18. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    gotcha hottest lesbian redhead in my course want to steal her from her ugly bogan gf
  19. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    why would it frustrate you?