Search results

  1. Survivor39

    what is the definition of perspective from your view

    In 2002 there are 2000 candidates doing ESL In 2003 there are around 2500 doing ESL Yes I agree, BUT there are some students that are really struggling with english expression, and with only the raw information in hand, it is extremely difficult to construct an essay that is fluent, coherent...
  2. Survivor39


    Keep practising on your weakness. Is it your essays? Is it the Listening paper? or Is it the reading comphrension? Make sure in the HSC exam that your mark place you in the TOP 50%, or ESL scale down REALLY bad. Last year for example, a mark of 72% places you in the top 50% (you only beat 50%...
  3. Survivor39

    Changing Document

    Which text are you going to write about in the HSC exam on the changing stimulus booklet? I am planning to write about "Sturt's Dreaming"
  4. Survivor39

    We Are Only Up to Acidic Environment!!!HELP!

    Just kidding, we are almost finish the course. Anyway, now I got your attention :D I would like to ask a question on one of the dot point on The Acidic environment. Identify a range of salts which form acidic, basic or neutral solutions ok this is what I know so far: Acidic salt: NaHSO4...
  5. Survivor39

    WHat is Social Science consist of??

    oh sorry, I am heading to UNSW and USyd.
  6. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    hmmm.....Is there a connotation behind your comment and winking smilies Cyph?? :D
  7. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    Although I think he might miss out on 100 due to his english :( He has the potential to get 99.90 :) Ragerunner: I'll try to tell him that, i hope he listen to me. :) Also, you are doing a great job as a moderator! Well done
  8. Survivor39

    WHat is Social Science consist of??

    I like to know what do you do in Social Scence in Univeristy?? Is it boring or interesting. I got a preference on B Social science as a combined degree and I am not sure if I made the right decision. Also what employment opportunity is there for this degree alone?:confused:
  9. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    I did said "How can I convince him to pick the courses that he really wants, which requires 99+ UAI? "
  10. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    Your irony is not really helping in case you haven't notice... The closing date for registing uni courses is the 30th sep. He hasn't even made up his mind.....
  11. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    Well the thing is, he's busy playing games :rolleyes: He barely speaks to me online, usually one or two words. Only when we see each other we talk.
  12. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    I keep convincing my friend that he will get a UAI of 99, but he doens't believe me. He is afraid of putting preference of over 96 because he doesn't believe he can get over 96 even though we all knew (the whole year 12) that he's going to be the dux of the school in 2003. Here what he got...
  13. Survivor39

    ~~~~Post Your Preferences Here~~~~

    Oh man........I have so many competitors.........ARGH!!!! I can't believe so many people is picking my preferences.....*snift* *shutting down the computer and opening a text book*
  14. Survivor39

    PIP is Due in soon!!! know that's impossible right? :)
  15. Survivor39

    PIP is Due in soon!!!

    Bringing you update with the PIP, it's officially all being marked. Good luck to everyone! I hope you all get a Band 6 :D
  16. Survivor39

    UAI and University

    Just in case that happens, I will know exactly why! :D
  17. Survivor39

    Is it possible to get over 95 with a band 4 in maths?

    i see, isee, then in that case, i would still say NO, not 95, Because then the Maths MUST be counted because he only has 10 units. and frankly a band 4 in maths is just not good enough. sorry.
  18. Survivor39

    Is it possible to get over 95 with a band 4 in maths?

    His 2 unit mathematics is highly likely not counted as he did 12 or more units.
  19. Survivor39

    UAI and University

    So the cut-offs in 2004 will become something like 99.25, if that is the lowest UAI?? Jumped from 90.95??
  20. Survivor39

    Is it possible to get over 95 with a band 4 in maths?

    this thread does NOT belong in here. It belongs to the other UAI forum. Anyway, I'll answer your question. No, you probably won't get over 95, But you will definitely get over 85. Around 88 - 90. :)