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  1. K

    umat materials

    i have some acer ones and F2F and medentry but i want more from other years.
  2. K

    umat materials

    Willing to buy umat materials pm me :D
  3. K

    Full time Uni student and I can't get travel concession...?

    wow. i didnt get asked and i work
  4. K

    Registration System...

    im not in shit? im in a biomed one, i got the last spot after i found out i had to change. it just doesnt fit in very well with my timetable hence why i wish to swap it.
  5. K

    biomed HUBS1403 pass group swap

    she didnt do the biomed one. that means someone from another course is wrongfully in it. :S. spots are full now guess she will have to email and explain.
  6. K


    good work!
  7. K

    Registration System...

    yeah i just asked. nice of them to tell us aye. theres the exact number of biomed ones for the amount of biomed people and theyre all full atm - that means someone from another course has enrolled in a biomed one.
  8. K

    biomed HUBS1403 pass group swap

    giving up my hubs1403 biomed pass group for thurs 1-2. let me know if you have the friday one and wish to swap.
  9. K

    Vaccinations and criminal record Checks?

    well i wont fill the forms out then
  10. K

    Registration System...

    i saw the math opened up, waiting for hubs1403 to make more places PLEASSSEE. i bet they dont.
  11. K

    Registration System...

    didnt get the one i wanted but then it turned out better in the end. had to swap 1403 afterwards through cause i didnt realise we had to be in the biomed ones, if i knew that earlier i would have had an absolutely perfect timetable. but one hour of inconvenience is nothing when i see you guys
  12. K


    i was originally doing science/arts and guna major in chem but the arts was shit and didnt like any other science double degrees so swapped to biomed
  13. K

    Viewing timetable

    anyone noticed some of the times and weeks are a little diff from what they were supposed to be? and em on tues we hae a hubs1403 lecture for an hour then your doing three hrs of chem, thats 4 hrs of sitting in a row!! did you realise this?
  14. K

    Viewing timetable

    now the morning sesh is no longer full for one lucky person :P
  15. K

    Viewing timetable

    okay am now changing to group 2 for thursday 2-5 and group 1 for monday 12-3 and fri 2-3:30. so i dnt have a late math lecture on thurs. im totally copying you em. i think we may have an incredibly similar timetable now.
  16. K

    Viewing timetable

    haha but you see i have night classes EVERY BLOODY NIGHT. and i get one meal a day on weeknights - dinner
  17. K

    Viewing timetable

    i missed out. im stuck with fridays 6-8.
  18. K

    Viewing timetable

    fuck i cant get into MATH1110
  19. K


    that was me for the wed :S. HOWEVER i only got in once they opened 5 more places. i shit myself when i saw FULL for every single class initially.
  20. K

    Viewing timetable

    ohhh. thats a help session.