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  1. D

    What is BSc (Nutrition) like?

    Hey I'm interested in putting BSc Nutrition as my 2nd pref (pharmacy 1st).. just incase I don't get into pharmacy next year. It's a degree I think I could maintain a high WAM in, and then transfer to pharmacy the year after. Is the course interesting, tedious? Any general comments? BTW...
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    Question Chain Thread !!!

    [-- Official 2008 HSC Chemistry Pre-exam Study Thread --] Well, the other chain thread doesn't seem to be going good. Let's make this the official study thread. You know the drill... answer a question - give a question. Ok, lets begin: Explain why monitoring of the reaction vessel used in...
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    i don't really understand either LOL but all I can say is, electrolysis is a non-spontaneous reaction, converting electrical energy into chemical energy. so obviously ur overall E value will be less than 0 (ie negative), since energy is not being produced, but being used up. electrolysis...
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    for the video software.. i wrote: compression and video rendering.
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    woooot another maco on BOS! *hi five*
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    Time for the Sciences

    woooot i have 1 week from today to mentaly prepare for chem.
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    Raw band cutoffs?

    i'd like to know as well.. do u need like >90 raw for 90/100 aligned? lol
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    Formation of Polyethylene

    spot on ;)
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    Exam Superstitions??

    I ALWAYS have a green apple before an exam.. plus some water.
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    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    Actually, my percentile was only 80.0. but thats orite I guess yeh, i hope chem is tricky this year, im up for a challenge.. its time for the high-end students to maul it this year. i'm going for state ranking, but I HIGHLY doubt ill get even near it. meh, like they say... reach for the stars...
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    was 3unit paper hardd

    no shit sherlock LOL
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    around 30-35/50 maybe
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    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    were u referring to me? if so... indeed, shall see u @ usyd. looks like ur doing Bpharm too? yeh, i did stat back in may. got 162, pretty happy. faculty of pharmacy confirmed that 2009 stat cut-off for BPharm remains at 150/200. u going for state ranking in chem???
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    kill the hsc

    i am freaked out at how calm i've been during this exam period so far... i've never been like this. i remember how i was acting during trials..ugh i derno, is this a good sign? lol
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    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    Well, actually everything is going OK for me so far (knock on wood LOL).. except for MX1 which was yuck. Hopefully IPT is a breeze tomorrow. Then have 1 week until chemmmmm
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    What do I eat before an exam?

    I'm planning to do wat I did for my eco exam on tuesday. Big breakfast at around 10am. Then just before the exam have an apple and a bit of water, to get some energy for the exam. But IPT isn't a straining exam like eco or anything... we shud finish in 1.5 hours.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    answer was 96, u probably got it right. unlike me, the idiot, who wrote 150 instead of 50
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    woot i got the samee so far like 12/12 for Q1, so happy. at least i picked up good marks there, will make up for my stupid stupid stupidddddd errors in other questions, where I had potential to score much more in.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    even worsee... i screwed up that question because when i did part (ii), i stupidly stupidly put freakin TIME in the place of temperature (stupid exam pressure), so my whole answer was screwed. id get 0/3 ay?