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  1. tommykins

    Is it possible to get into a unsw course even if my atar is a couple of points off?

    Re: Is it possible to get into a unsw course even if my atar is a couple of points of just apply for whatever you want in the order you want it stop worrying whether you'll get in or not, cutoffs are inflated and general guidelines, not 'if u dont beat this u wont get in'
  2. tommykins

    Prestige or the course?

    Wow retards caring about prestige in relation to UNSW/USYD. Fucking ridiculous. Listen to maycat and stop being ridiculous And let me tell you, half of you that are aiming for 'social life' at uni will probably never end up doing anything.
  3. tommykins

    High atar without tutor?

    lol 90 is like easy mode to get
  4. tommykins

    Share your 2010 ATAR here

    you're making it too obvious that you're trolling get a new hobby imo
  5. tommykins

    Help... slightly below the cut off for engineering??

    you will most liekly get in dont be a retard and change your preferences
  6. tommykins

    Share your 2010 ATAR here

    NOTE TO ALL YOU KIDS WHO DIDN'T MAKE THE CUTOFF - APPLY FOR THE COURSE ANYWAYS, ATAR'S ARE INFLATED FOR ENTRY, YOU CAN DEFINITELY GET IN IF YOU'RE EVEN 3-4 ATAR BELOW THE CUTOFF. There is NO harm in making your initial wanted course your first preference. It is SILLY to randomly change your...
  7. tommykins

    Major Work Re-Marks

    english being ambiguous and subjective? NO WAY
  8. tommykins

    Distinguished Achievers List

    only marks for each course, atar/uai is tomorrow and they don't give out 94.56, it goes in 0.05 increments
  9. tommykins


    lol @ all the /b/tards getting all angst
  10. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    loooooool keep talkin shit ayee :D
  11. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    nah i get your drift, but it's pretty much equivalent to me calling others shit at say, soccer when i'm pretty fuckin terrible myself
  12. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    if aynthin'g you're worse than these tryhard asians, you don't know your place rofl
  13. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    you're not making much sense now so you're saying it's okay for you to call others shit despite you're own shitty marks? k buddy
  14. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    lol except if i was to criticise someone for their shit marks, i can back myself up with my marks. your marks are borderline average kiddo, shut up lol ok, what area you from?
  15. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    i find it ironic that you're bashing onto asians thinking marks are everything yet you criticise others when they get low marks
  16. tommykins

    Defqon1 2010

    i saw him back ages ago in prophecy and was pretty thankful he didn't play his music but opt'd for technoboy's tracks instead. pretty awesome
  17. tommykins

    Defqon1 2010

    lol i dno if you're being sarcastic or not
  18. tommykins

    Defqon1 2010

    for those of you who can't dance, blame it on the music fucking rofl most cheesy shit out
  19. tommykins

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    im genuinely curious, what sparks your obvious dislike to asians? what area are you from?