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  1. tommykins

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    woah nice results, congrats!!
  2. tommykins

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 CVEN2301 Mechanics of Solids..............80 DN T1 CVEN2501 Principles of Water Eng'g........79 DN T1...
  3. tommykins

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    GENS2005 is a part of mathso I got those. GENS4010 was online only and so they calculated our marks before exams.
  4. tommykins

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    Predictions : MATH2019 - HD GENS2005 - DN CVEN2501 - CR CVEN 2301 - DN GENS4010 - HD Results - MATH2019 - HD 86 GENS2005 - DN 75 GENS4010 - HD 85 Waiting on the other two, I WANTS IT NAOWZ
  5. tommykins

    Textbooks for CVEN1300, MATS1101, GMAT1110

    must for cven1300 (not kidding here, buy it.) ~~~ for surveying if u want to get more than a CR mats is useless unless u dont have hsc chem knowledge
  6. tommykins

    general UNSW chit-chat

    86 math2019 75 gens2005 (history of math) herp a derp
  7. tommykins

    Maths in Engineering

    There is abit of statistics and probability.
  8. tommykins

    What mark are you expecting in 4 unit?

    top 30% in 4unit get e4 so yer aye
  9. tommykins

    Maths in Engineering

    ^ yeah unsw covers all of that in first year.
  10. tommykins

    Defqon1 2010

    has headhunterz changed his style since 2008? or is he still absolutely atrocious?
  11. tommykins

    Defqon1 2010

    has headhunterz changed his style since 2008? or is he still absolutely atrocious?
  12. tommykins

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    isn't that all women?
  13. tommykins

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Preliminary is often math only afaik.
  14. tommykins

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    well no shit, i'm talking generally/majority.
  15. tommykins

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    Lol not really. The asians you see whites date are ugly as, it's funny as hell when the whites think theyre all sick cunt and have the atittude of 'look at me im dating a hot asian' - makes you rofl.
  16. tommykins

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    this is true. eh, the bitches that prefer white guys have pretty shitty reasons too pretentious if anything