Search results

  1. melsc

    Advice on laptop

    I have one, like it and use it. Lawyers cannot get convicted of much if they want to practice :(
  2. melsc

    Advice on laptop

    Yeah its a tough choice. I'm going to use it for uni which I currently use the one I have now. The only thing that makes me think their weight isn't worth the price is the fact that I currently have a 14" 2.5kg laptop now and I can cope. The main things I use it for is net, word processing...
  3. melsc

    Advice on laptop

    Hey guys, I have narrowed down the laptop I want to two Sony Vaio models but I am not sure which one will be better in the long run. 13.3" VAIO YOUNG BUSINESS COLOUR PC VGNSR16GNP This one is a newer model, aprox 500g...
  4. melsc

    Law: grades v. experience

    I'd say balance is important. I find my grades aren't as fantastic as I'd like but its not because I slack off but more that between working two days a week, uni classes and mooting I have very little time to study. That said I am trying to keep a balance of decent grades and good experience.
  5. melsc

    Law school rankings

    ^ MQ allows first years to participate in all internal comps (mooting, witness examination etc..)
  6. melsc

    UWS as a uni?

    The law school had some great ones though. Are Katrina and Scott still there? and did Simon come back. I had one or two law ones that were crap (one who was also teaching at one of the city uni's cant rember which one but he 'had to leave' after we all complained in the middle of the...
  7. melsc

    Favourite Cake???

    chocolate mousee cake
  8. melsc

    Can't decide between UNSW or USyd Com/Law

    The only place I know of that allowed a double major in a double degree was UWS with a double of Buisiness (eco and finance)/Law but they stopped offering it
  9. melsc

    Can't decide between UNSW or USyd Com/Law

    One word of advice don't go to a particular uni because of your friends. It won't be like school where you see eachother all the time and you will most likely have different classes on different days. Good luck with your decision
  10. melsc

    Writing an assignment for law

    I can imagine how hard it is for you, when I look back on first year it really was quite hard. Just keep at it and you wont have to do it again! Good luck and I'll try and help
  11. melsc

    Say “I do” at U@MQ

    Hmmm I'd love to get married in front of sexy bunker like buildings.... MQ really is ugly besides the lake and nature part but honestly once I graduate I want to escape...been there long enough!
  12. melsc

    Honours Dissertation

    Congradulations by the way Lara on getting the marks for it.I think it will be useful to have in case at some point you feel like a change, I don't envisage a top tier firm but it cannot hurt I presume for other jobs and its something I want to prove to myself. Also you can tell the 'UWS is shit...
  13. melsc

    Honours Dissertation

    I'm interested in how you guys find it because it looks like it will have a semester where I only need to do half a normal study load due to overloading at one stage so I am unsure whether I want to (if I manage to get into the honours program) do it in a semester where I have less than a normal...
  14. melsc

    I don't know what to do next! :hammer:

    3 words Talk about it. Yes there are somethings that most guys like but its better to find out what he likes. If you talk about it you can make sure he understands what you are comfortable with and you can find out the same for him. Good luck :)
  15. melsc

    What do you enjoy about Law?

    1. Arguing - in law there often is no right answer so you can have great arguments with other law students in class. 2. The challange, law is difficult and it feels good when you finally grasp a difficult concept. 3. Reading weird and interesting cases - many cases are filled with irony and...
  16. melsc

    best law university

    Don't start that please, its really not constructive and irrelevant unless you are saying they offer a single degree program.
  17. melsc

    best law university

    lmao exactly what I was thinking. In all honesty most of us are nice but there are some real wankers out there, more so than in arts. You may actually discover other areas other interest when studying Arts by the way, I went in with the idea that I only wanted to do Criminology subjects...
  18. melsc

    best law university

    UTS, ANU and UOW all have great law programs and are well regarded. That said all of those are 4 years so why not spend the extra year and come out with two pieces of paper. Take it from someone who wanted to straight law when they were about your age, I have actually found combined law...
  19. melsc

    Uni Dilemna!

    I personally would not suggest moving unless you have to because uni is a big adjustment and if you don't know that side of the family you will be getting used to them, and WA as well. This is just my opinon but finding a job, settling into a new place etc all while trying to get uber marks to...
  20. melsc

    I want a job before and after the hsc

    Dude, if you want a job show some initative! People won't employ you with an attitude like that. This is the prime time to be looking for a job as most places are hiring Christmas casuals. Check out the websites of big retail chains (Woolies, Big W, Myer, Sanity) they usually have online...